Pitchers, when is it enough?


Well-Known Member
Middle is part of the field. I don't care if a team hits middle all day. It's my job to field my position so they will not want to shoot middle. If my team hits middle or not, doesn't matter to me.
If the guy is being a DB about it, it makes it all the more enjoyable when I snap it off. I never hit middle, professional courtesy. :D (unless, of course, the pitcher hits middle, then IT'S ON! :D)


<font color="#FF3030">I'm CrEePy & I'm CrAwLy</fon
So, anyhow.

I pitch for my team, and I get shot middle maybe twice a game. Now, I know that it's not always on purpose, and that sometimes there's a beef behind it.

Do you get pissed when your team doesn't back you up? It pisses me off beyond belief when I don't see my boys taking a pot shot back to the other pitcher.

Not trolling, dead serious here.

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<font color="#FF3030">I'm CrEePy & I'm CrAwLy</fon
I am sick of this crap about middle. I pitch and I am tired of hearing, "Sorry Pitch" when someone gets a hit up the middle that isn't even close enough to field.

I feel like saying, "Why the hell are you sorry?" "Did you not want a base hit." Personally, I never say sorry anymore for hitting middle - even if it almost hits the pitcher and he barely gets out of the way. I am trying to get a hit. I am not trying to hit the pitcher.

Don't tell me "sorry" if you almost hit me. As stated a million times, "middle is part of the field."

The only time I will appreciate a "sorry" is if you actually hit me and only if it was on accident. If it was on purpose...don't say "sorry". That way I can apologize to your pitcher before he throws a pitch to me. "Sorry, pitch"....................*bam*