

Addicted to Softballfans
hi all I'm hitting like a blind man three games in. I practiced good mechanics all spring - same mechanics as last year where I killed it. Im have a hard time waiting for the ball and not seeing all the way to the bat. Im a slow starter but this is ridiculous. more bp? special swing thoughts? acupuncture? hypnosis?

help me bro

Rdd/Easton 10

The Veteran
If Ur not waiting long enough and not seeing ball well take some half swings and slap them back side. As u start cing the ball better and are making good contact doing this turn it up a notch and start using the middle of the field as well.


Addicted to Softballfans
I put a ton of time in at the gym to step it up from solid season at the plate last year.... so is disappointing not to see a return on the time & effort... thanks for the tips.


Addicted to Softballfans
You should take the beer tip seriously and softball not so serious.

That should work for you.

zuke 37

Star Player
stay away from the pitching machines. face live pitching....when the pitcher plants his front foot start a 2 count before
you even start your swing. watch the ball, watch the ball, watch the ball,

it is just a important to watch a ball that you don't swing at as the ones you do. all the way to the ground

also try some bp with the pitcher about 10 feet deeper good luck


Addicted to Softballfans
Fat chick, then wear them panties until you hit...... That should motivate you!


Addicted to Softballfans
put all your change from your right pocket and put it all in you left pocket... Turn your right pocket inside out... turn your hat around backwards.... HIT the f'in ball!!
See ball, hit ball!

Your putting too much into it man... ease your mind... Get a BJ before the game!

The BP Hero

Addicted to Softballfans
If Ur not waiting long enough and not seeing ball well take some half swings and slap them back side. As u start cing the ball better and are making good contact doing this turn it up a notch and start using the middle of the field as well.

Similar to this, if I feel I'm struggling I'll just hit middle (not at the pitcher, use the middle of the field) to barrel a few balls up and get the rhythm back down.


Addicted to Softballfans
Just blame it on the bat and grab a different one. Softball is such an easy game, but can go quickly to your head. When I slump, I grab a different bat and call it good.....


Addicted to Softballfans
Take some live BP as much as possible also try hitting oppo. That's helped me a ton on my issues I had being over anxious at the plate


goes hard your way catch
ok... you can send me a thank you card later-
#1 - Swing hard in case you hit the ball.
#2 - Drink before / during / after game - not to excess
#3 - Stay up in the box. This forces you to hit the ball chest high which produces line drives - standing back results in pop-ups
#4 - Swing hard in case you hit the ball.


I was in a similar slump. Live pitching is the best. I was doing a lot of tee work because I couldn't find anyone to pitch. Seem like it got worse with the tee work. Now I have someone to hit with a couple of times a weeks. It turned things around. Another thing is take a video. My girlfriend took a video of me during a game. I was dropping my hands big time.


Addicted to Softballfans
Heres an update - 3 for 4, 4 for 5 and 2 for 2 in 3 games these week. I attribute my turnaround to many of your tips -- two count at pitch release, going up the middle and back side, changing bats and moving the change my right pocket to the left, also a heel wedge. I tried to get the wife to help as recommended but she said she 'doesn't have to do that anymore.'
