Today I was back at it with BP. Rather than simply throwing my hands forward today, I focused on aiming them directly at the ball as it came in. This took a little getting used to. Generally I try to swing inside the ball. However, doing that resulted in the problems discussed in the first post of this thread.
Initially I wondered how this could even work. My initial thoughts were "how the hell am I going to NOT hit the handle here?" My hands just seemed so far away from my body. However, throwing my hands at the ball worked..... perhaps better than I'd even imagined. By getting my hands out and at the ball I wasn't snapping too early. My swing felt surprisingly fluid and powerful. The hands went forward right at the ball, and at the end of the extension the bat head came whipping around on its own (no top hand push, like before).
Overall, my BP session today was light years better than my last one. I was getting inside the ball using different mechanics than I'm used to. I was lifting the ball well, and touching distances I haven't seen in a long while.
Throwing your hands at the ball works. By the end of the session today I was feeling really good repeating that motion swing after swing. I wasn't short arming anything, and I was getting good air and backspin on the ball. Done properly you really can throw your hands right at the ball without jamming yourself.