Tips on playing 2nd base as a left handed thrower.


Addicted to Softballfans
I'm playing on a new league team where they need me to play 2nd base. My left handed 1st baseman experience helps in going to the bag and cleaning up bad throws. However turning the double takes some twists and turns.

Any suggestions from my fellow lefties with more skill and experience than I have?

Thanks in advance.

sleeping bear

Extra Hitter
I'm playing on a new league team where they need me to play 2nd base. My left handed 1st baseman experience helps in going to the bag and cleaning up bad throws. However turning the double takes some twists and turns.

Any suggestions from my fellow lefties with more skill and experience than I have?

Thanks in advance.

For the really tight dbl plays I drop down onto my right knee which twists me into position to make the throw. The jump twist works too.


Addicted to Softballfans
In all seriousness, your going to have to master foot work to make up for being "wrong handed" for that position. One of the best SS I've ever played with was a lefty, damn could he make the play and make it look easy.


Addicted to Softballfans
I see more advantage to being a left handed SS. It seems at second I can take a step towards third as I take the throw then two quick steps to square my shoulders and throw. The last step would be my stride to throw.


Addicted to Softballfans
No, a left SS is not common, or sought for. I'm merely stating that your gonna have to work a lot harder than your right handed counterpart.

EDIT: Work a lot harder with your foot work. Practice practice practice...
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Addicted to Softballfans
We don't practice much so I'm going to have to visualize and work on it in the living room while my wife laughs at me. It should be entertaining.


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Should be best done with a batting helmet and recording for our viewing pleasure.


Banned User
Really some other right handed outfielder should be moved to second. Lefty is really no good there.

Pete D

Addicted to Softballfans
There probably isn't a more awkward position for a lefty than 2nd base. Everything and angle is working against you - including that if you're left handed you are also left footed. I've seen some decent lefty short stops but have seen more better left handed 3rd basemen. It would depend on your range and who is entrenched where on your team - as a newbie you're not able to call the shots too much. I'm guessing you were at 1st because the OF was not a good fit for you.

I'd play it a little deeper to cover the hole and also give you time to get your feet where you need them to be to take the throw and pivot. On the throw to 1st from the hole going to your left you better start working on your soft toss/shovel pass and coordinate with your 1st basemen so he's ready for the timing of it. Your 1st baseman also might be able to help some if he shades more to the hole to take away a hitting zone/target. Even if you do well covering shots up the middle the throw is going to be a real b*t*h.........

Better pick up a game of Twister - have your wife strip down and play it with her to work on your moves..........once you get that down tell her you need more work and have her invite her BFF to join - you won't worry about softball so much.......


Star Player
2nd is the worst position on the field for a lefty. Been there, done that, its just awkward. Play 1st or OF.... Or like me, learn to pitch. In my league, I'm the only lefty pitcher and for whatever reason, I always here other teams complaining about seeing the pitch come in lefthanded.


Addicted to Softballfans
2nd is the worst position on the field for a lefty. Been there, done that, its just awkward. Play 1st or OF.... Or like me, learn to pitch. In my league, I'm the only lefty pitcher and for whatever reason, I always here other teams complaining about seeing the pitch come in lefthanded.

Must be a weak league...


Star Player
Very weak league indeed. Only option for league play for us though. My 1st baseman (rh) and I will occasionally swap in tournaments and sometimes it will throw batter's off. I agree with ddoubler though, a good team doesn't care which hand you release from.


Addicted to Softballfans
If you make all the routine plays you'll be ok. Those shouldn't be too much more difficult considering you're a lefty.


just make sure to get the out at 2nd when you can because unless the batter running to 1st has a heart attack you aren't turning that double play. at least not if i'm the one running (brag).


Hardcore since '84
lefties have it easy enough playing ball. the only thing they can't, and shouldn't, do is play second base, EVER. find a new position
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1st Baseman

Addicted to Softballfans
I'm a lefty 1B, played 2B, no good. I've never seen a great lefty SS but have seen 2 play great 3B. Go back to 1B, you'll team will notice the difference if u were the primary 1B and send u back. Another option is the OF and pitching; 2B just isn't for us...


Addicted to Softballfans
Have your SS play closer to the bag and run to second instard of throwing to you. If he has to go right for the ball, let him know you're going to pitch it back to him for him to throw it to fist. A quick pitch to him will be about the same speed as if you threw it to first yourself an likely more accurate. Also, this only matters when the only runner is on first. If there is a runner on second or third, deal with that runner after stepping on on second instead of going to first. Don't beat yourself on not being able to turn two. It's a rare play in softball if the batter is running hard. The bases are just so short. If the batter doesn't run hard you have a good chance of getting him even if you are left-handed.

Fro Joe

Snowden is a hero.
Have your SS play closer to the bag and run to second instard of throwing to you. If he has to go right for the ball, let him know you're going to pitch it back to him for him to throw it to fist. A quick pitch to him will be about the same speed as if you threw it to first yourself an likely more accurate. Also, this only matters when the only runner is on first. If there is a runner on second or third, deal with that runner after stepping on on second instead of going to first. Don't beat yourself on not being able to turn two. It's a rare play in softball if the batter is running hard. The bases are just so short. If the batter doesn't run hard you have a good chance of getting him even if you are left-handed.

You must never see 5 man infields. Double plays are very common when running 5 man.


Addicted to Softballfans
Thanks gentlemen. All great advice. Even the go back to first and move to the OF. I saw a post where a team was looking for senior league 50+ players on a local message board. So I agreed to play. The team has at least one in his 80s and a few I their 70s. Along with guys I their 60s and 50s. I'm 52. I could really help this team in my usual 1B position but they also have other needs. I'd also like to play somewhere besides 1B, C and EH. In my first two games with them I played 2nd and LC. I used my 1B skills at 2nd to clean up some throws but never got a DP chance. I want to be ready when I do. Thanks for your help.


Addicted to Softballfans
Play against really slow people..... cause you ain't turning double plays otherwise.

Pete D

Addicted to Softballfans
Wow - 70's & 80's playing against 50's - sounds like a recipe for a safety disaster ............. even an errant throw could really hurt/maim/kill somebody


Addicted to Softballfans
Pete D. - it is. It reminds me of playing a lower level of coed or work league team. The difference is that these guys have the knowledge of the game and understand the skills needed. Their execution is not as sharp but they know what to do and how to do it. The oldest guys are at 1st and catching, both force out positions in senior ball. First is the universally protected position. You don't flip the first baseman at any level. Yes throws must be more measured just like on any lower level team. There is a real sense of brotherhood on this team and these guys are really enjoying the game. In my first double header night with them we lost game 1 and then beat the team they battle with to stay out of last place. Most wins by this team will be upsets. That discourages some people but it motivates me to do all I can to help this team make other teams wonder what the hell just happened. Part of that will be to make the plays I can make. The other part will be to help the other guys make the plays and believe they can make the plays to win.


Addicted to Softballfans
2nd is the worst position on the field for a lefty. Been there, done that, its just awkward. Play 1st or OF.... Or like me, learn to pitch. In my league, I'm the only lefty pitcher and for whatever reason, I always here other teams complaining about seeing the pitch come in lefthanded.

I agree, i have been practicing 2nd and it requires way to much effort. I spend most of my time playing 1st.


Addicted to Softballfans
I'm a lefty who was a 1b by trade and played it for years. I'm tall and lean and quick for my height. Due to injuries and other's in general lack of being in shape I had to learn to be effective playing other positions, which I really enjoyed doing from time to time. I spent some time at 2nd and while I could field the ball and always get the first out, the only time I had chances to turn 2 was when a really slow/fat guy hit a good sharp grounder and it was just as effective and easier for the SS to take it himself. Unless you are the only guy on the team able to effectively field the middle other than the SS I think you would better contribute in other positions. I currently play outfield and 3rd base for my teams and only the occasional 1b anymore leaving it to guys that are hurt or don't move or throw well.