Training log


Current Stats:



Bench: 225
Squat: 255
Deadlift: 330
OHP: 145
Bent over Row: 135

End of Year Goals:
Bench: 245
Squat: 275
Deadlift: 350
OHP: 165
Bent over Row: 165

Long term goals? I want to be in the 1000lb club by next summer, and would like to steadily drop my weight down to 235-240. It's been a while since I've done weightlifting only starting back up a few weeks ago and this time I've focused more on form than anything. I want to get to a 1.5x BW Squat, 1.75-2x BW Deadlift, and a 1.25x BW Bench Press. I would also like to get into olympic lifts so most of my workouts might include something related to that.
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Yesterdays workout:


1x5 135lb (Really focusing on form)
1x5 225lb (Really focusing on form)
1x5 255lb
1x3 275lb
1x3 295lb
1x3 315lb
1x2 325lb

Squat: (Awful Idea to move into this after deadlifts but I had to grab a squat rack while it was open).

1x5 135lb (Really focusing on form and depth, also using it to find where I'm tight and what I need to work on before I start heavy).
1x5 185lb
1x5 205lb
1x5 225lb

I still felt tight in the hips, I need to spend more time working on my mobility beforehand.

Bent over rows:

3x8 135lbs (I've been doing these with a supinated(sp?) grip as a corrective exercise lately.)

Hang Cleans:

3x7 135lbs (I might just drop to bar on these because I still feel like I have no idea what I'm doing. I need to work on full depth cleans.)

I usually add in front squats in my workouts but having done deadlift and squat back to back I really wasn't feeling anything else so I did some snatch grip deadlifts to end the day at 135lbs just to work on form and keeping my back tight.