What are the best Usssa balls?


Resident SBF Guitarist
What are the best Usssa balls?

I know that Trump Evil Usssa's (or anything Trump Evil's ) are the best in softball. If you had to create a list of the top 5 Usssa softballs to hit.. What would they be? What do you guys think of Baden Fire Usssa Classic Plus? Are they worth the money?

What's your top 5 Usssa balls list?


3DX Connoisseur
Are you wanting just C+ balls? USSSA has 3 different ball types now. Pro M, classic M, and classic +. IMO Baden Fires aren't really worth the money. They're pretty low tier.


Resident SBF Guitarist
Are you wanting just C+ balls? USSSA has 3 different ball types now. Pro M, classic M, and classic +. IMO Baden Fires aren't really worth the money. They're pretty low tier.

What would be your top 5. I'm trying to gauge what to buy and I'm looking for something other than Evil's or ZN but have the power of those two in maybe a lesser price tag?


Addicted to Softballfans
Taking out Evil’s/Trump and ZN Classic M’s, and creating a top 5, my take...

Top tier:
Worth Super Gold Dot
Tattoo Composite cover

Middle Tier:
Decker Shark Composite cover

Low tier:
Dudley SY
Baden Fire
Any ball with plastic feeling/synthetic cover.


Addicted to Softballfans
I know a guy that might be able to help you on the price of Evils
I never received the special blend asa balls to test out that you said you’d get out to me, a while ago. I will buy 2 dozen of them, if you can direct me to the right place/person and for a good price. ;):eek: