What is the best 3 ASA bat you have ever swung?


Drive Don't Lift
For me the best ASA bat I have ever swung is the Voltage SB73V. But the OG Extended is a close second. Third is the Recoil 250. What are yours?


Blah Blah Blah
Recoil max, og ext, og velo. Awesome stuff
Just picked up a may98 we will see if that makes the list.
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Ambisinister Pitcher
May98, Flex, Ext
Edit: Special nod to PST Xtra. Damn good metal bat in my opinion.
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volcom stone az
Surprised to see this many post-abi bats

Mutants, white toxic, silver or orange mayhems.

og flex, srv3, 1st b juggy

OG Flex, OG Ext and Z-1000

Z1000, SSR2 and SSR4.

Phenix, og White Steel, z1000

scx3,z1000, rd28

...and a white steel? did not see that coming!

I'll put in the AV, Juggernaut, and Frenzy RB98 12.5 (sleeper).

Note: I know the RD28 is also post-abi, but it really doesn't count. Limited production, special circumstances.


2016 Vegas Champs 60 Major
Ultra, SB73V and the SB34 Genesis....end of list
don't forget the Ti was legal for about 3 months, that was fun
yes, I played when the Ultra was legal in ASA
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Dying of WTP Disease
I have the fortune enough to say #1 on my list

1. Ultra
2. OG Ext
3. tie for 3rd OG Flex, OG Velo and B/G PST


The Hungarian Barbarian
Limiting to currently legal bats keeps it more interesting.
F98, Recoil ML, Swagger (ogav might have bumped out the recoil or swagg if it wasn't a 27)


SBFs 16th all time poster
I haven't swung many ASA bats, but I'd have to say

pst max

in no particular order


Rec Coed Superstar
1. Ultra1 hitting the ultra 1 with the old super blue dots only time in my life I have been able to hit the ball anywhere near 400 feet
2. Lady Virus, my teammates first made fun of me for swinging a purple bat, that is until they swung it.
3. 1st Batch Synergy