Recent content by Beez_33

  1. Beez_33

    free scorebook app???

    I've heard good things about GameChanger and iScore but I've never used either.
  2. Beez_33


    Also, the one the coaches vote on, they're only asked to submit 1 name, which is unlike most awards.
  3. Beez_33


    That's not the official COY award. That was an award that just started last year where NBA coaches voted their own COY. Stevens will get the real one soon.
  4. Beez_33

    Bad Boy

    Bad Boy
  5. Beez_33

    trade deadline looming

    nvr gtz traydd
  6. Beez_33

    Saints Sign Brees

    Put yourself in the front office's shoes of the NO Saints and ask yourself that. If he doesn't come back, they're in shambles again. Worth it just to keep the franchise competitive and keep butts in the seats+ Saints love high after the scandal. If they go into Jags status they're done for.
  7. Beez_33

    trade deadline looming

    I'm good with Santiago because of some of the prices on mediocre 2nd basemen league wide. I'll take his solid glove to sure up what has been a dreadful defense. People were so concerned over Cabrera and he's been about as good as you could hope for. Prince, Peralta, the catchers and corner...
  8. Beez_33

    Psu = death penalty

    THE best .
  9. Beez_33

    Tim Mccarver

    Thought i noticed that too. I head McCarver also said theres a good possibility Hamilton gets the biggest contract in MLB history....
  10. Beez_33

    Robinson Cano

    What is this list?
  11. Beez_33


    I'm sure he was on the phone with guys before the day of the announcement.
  12. Beez_33

    Al > nl

    Everytime a NL pitcher goes to the AL I wait for the failure.
  13. Beez_33


    Is being an all star a necessity to participate in the derby? Just wondering.
  14. Beez_33

    Robinson Cano

    I like reading sometimes..
  15. Beez_33

    homerun derby picks

    Prince Fielder should send Robinson Cano and the Royals faithful a thank you card today.