Hey Steve I enjoy watching your videos . I still use my tee made out of pvc pipe that you posted on how to make it. I live in Colorado and play on the Saturday travel teams. I think I played against you in Aurora ? you were catching right?
Hey Steve I loved your hitting videos and if you are ever in the southern Maryland area would love to hit BP with you. I am also very interested in your ministry. I have been looking to get something similar started within our church.
Hey Steve, if you wouldn't mind shooting me a pm, I have a question for ya but can only respond to pm's at work but can't send them for some reason....thanks.
Saw your videos on youtube a long time ago. I didnt know you were on here too. I really like what you are doing bringing the message of Jesus into softball. Hopefully some people will have open hearts and decide to follow Him.
Hey brother, just to let you know I saw you on the YouTube and like what you do and say. Keep up the good work longballer. And just how good is the albin asa? Might have to gets me one.