any combatants starting p90x??


Addicted to Softballfans

I did the fitness test on 9/30. Started on 10/1. I'm doing the lean plan. I'm skipping today since I spent most of it on my pump house roof making repairs. The Yoga DVD whipped my ars yesterday.


Addicted to Softballfans
the yoga is tough, I do it in the basement so it works out good for me............I want to commit to the whole 90 days and improve the shape Im in.

Addicted to Softballfans
Did it back in January and lost 30lbs in about 75 days. Also did not follow the P90X diet, just kept my diet clean. I will have to start it up again soon cause after summer (beer, BBQ and more beer) I gained like 20 back :(


Active Member
I haven't tried the insanity yet, after my 90 days maybe I will

Insanity is more cardio based.....Don't need the pull up bar etc.

P90x is better for guys I would say if you wanna lose weight and gain some muscle.


Addicted to Softballfans
I just gotta get in better shape, job has changed and so has my eating habits........


Addicted to Softballfans
I did it in the spring. Lost about 35lbs and was probably in the best shape of my life. After the summer, I probably gained about 10lbs back but I still perform the exercises here and there. When it gets colder, I plan to start up back again. It really is a great workout if you can give yourself about an 1 hour and 15 minutes to workout.


Insanity is more cardio based.....Don't need the pull up bar etc.

P90x is better for guys I would say if you wanna lose weight and gain some muscle.

yeah, that is why i am doing IW first. not worried about gaining muscle right now, just losing fat.

but the hybrid P90X/IW routine looks interesting also.


Joshua 24:15
After reading most of these comments....I have to say, this has peeked my interest in starting some sort of off season workout routine.

Where can I grab some of the dvds? or workout regime or something?


I will be starting as soon as my disc get here and fall ball is done. I would like to drop 35-40 pounds.


Addicted to Softballfans
Like freeweights better for strength and will probably do what i did last winter incorporating the stretching, cardio, plyo, core, lower body into an upper body free weight program. Im just a little fella so I gotta get big


Addicted to Softballfans
After reading most of these comments....I have to say, this has peeked my interest in starting some sort of off season workout routine.

Where can I grab some of the dvds? or workout regime or something?

I picked up a used set on Ebay.


Addicted to Softballfans
yep, I might have added "dvd" as well. The retail (Amazon) was over $130 with the dvd's/nutrition guide book/workout guide.

I just need to pick up a chin up bar, a coworker got her's at Walmart for $20.


Everyone's board bro
I do the ab ripper from P90 on Tues/Thurs and free weights on MWF. I'm not looking to lean up at the moment, but bulk first.