Getting rid of Plantar fasciitis

Bobby Buggs

SBF Site Sponsor
I was on my feet for 37 hours over 4 days working a show now I have the symptoms of plantar fasciitis in my left heel. Any tricks to get it to stop feeling like someone is sticking pins in my heel?


Giving Bitches Complexes
You need rest and some good insoles. I light massage here and there wouldn't hurt. I struggled for a year or so.

ATL Rookie

Had it bad when I was in asscrackistan. Only thing to really do is get off your feet as much as possible. If you have to be on your feet, make sure you have some quality insoles.

Bobby Buggs

SBF Site Sponsor
Can you give me an example of good insoles? I wear ecco shoes, thought they were good but my foot is disagreeing

The BP Hero

Addicted to Softballfans
I have a friend that has this. He says doing some light calf raises helps keep it stretched out and feeling good.

You may have better luck with this in the training section Buggs. Just a thought. :)

The BP Hero

Addicted to Softballfans
I have a friend that has this. He says doing some light calf raises helps keep it stretched out and feeling good.

You may have better luck with this in the training section Buggs. Just a thought. :)

ATL Rookie

Can you give me an example of good insoles? I wear ecco shoes, thought they were good but my foot is disagreeing

used an older version of these. They were very comfortable, but they really didnt last last long as I would have liked. I used 4 or 5 sets from 2003-2006.

I use the Dr. Scholls now and I have been pretty happy with them. I dont have the issues with PF that I used to though.


Addicted to Softballfans
Can you give me an example of good insoles? I wear ecco shoes, thought they were good but my foot is disagreeing

Bobby, Find one of the Dr Scholls machines that scan your feet. There in a lot of CVS's, rite aid and walgreens. Im pretty sure if you go on there website theres a finder for them. I had PF really bad last year. I had a cortisone shot and it finally went away, but before that I had custom insole made by my Foot Dr. The Dr Scholls ones worked way better. Good luck, feel better!

G Rat

Baller on a Budget
Golf ball rolls under the foot for 2-3 minutes and toe scrunches with a small towel for 2-3 minutes twice through ever other day for 2 weeks.


Eye Baller
Stretch your gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. Basically do calf stretch with straight knee and bent knee. Do this first thing in the AM and throughout the day. Use night splints to avoid sleeping with your toes pointed. You may need ultrasound or phonophoresis from a physical terrorist. Rest is not snowboarding. Rest is not exercising or doing a lot of walking. If you don't overdo it, it will be gone in a week. If you can't rest, it can last a lifetime.


Addicted to Softballfans
freeze a waer bottle and put it on the floor and roll your foot over it and stretch it out.

This is what I do. Use a lot of pressure and roll it around, especially up on your heal where it hurts. I do this when it acts up and sometimes it will take it away completely by the next day.


life takes guts
freeze a water bottle. in the mornings roll it under your foot and it should be gtg for the day


Board Prick
Bobby, Pete Vinci has been dealing with that since we first met him...maybe he might be able to help...


I stand on my feet 60-70 hrs over the course of 6 days every week. Maybe you're just getting old and need to put them feet up, take life easy for a while.


Star Player
D all of the above.
ICE. as often as you can. The physical terrorist I had when I broke my leg said only 10 minutes at a time tho.
Stretching. All day every day.
Night splint. Uncomfortable but works.
Anti inflammatory meds such as Advil.
Supplement your diet with glucosamine, chondroiten and MSM. espescially MSM. Caution, diabetics can not take glucosamine from what I have been told.
Apple Cider Vinegar. (Brags) orally and wrapped on foot has provided relef for many. That's actually what really heled my buddy when all else failed.
Try to avoid cortisone shots. They are definately NOT good.
It sucks, sorry. Hope you heal wuickly


Addicted to Softballfans
Sounds like a lot of good information has been provided up in here. I wish I had asked the same question before starting the season. Mine completely separated itself from my heel in the first tourney of the year. Good news, I will never have plantar fasciitis again. Bad news, I will have a lifetime of shoe inserts and falling arches. I hope you have better luck with yours.


Addicted to Softballfans
Heel Lift and Strassburg Sock

Lots of good advice so far. Would add to the stretching, water bottle, Advil and insoles two additional things. Someone earlier referred to a night splint. I have used a Strassburg Sock. They are available at a store that caters to runners and cost around 30 bucks. Insoles will help PF from occuring, but for your "heel to heal" you may have to visit a podiatrist who can give you a heal lift to put in your shoe for a few weeks. Good luck


Addicted to Softballfans
Buggs, Been dealing with this for years. I have it really bad in both feet. All of the above advice has been good so far, I'll add this:

I have been seeing a Chiropractor for a while, and found out they can treat planter fasciitis. Basically, they massage my feet, get all the knots out, stretch out the planter muscle in ways that you just can't do with conventional stretching, and do this release thing where they push really hard on the spots that hurt, and it gets the muscles to release. I'm not exactly sure how it works, but it works better than anything I've found (Including Cortizone shots in my heels, which hurt like hell). Good luck!!!