Grip paint?


New Member
Is grip paint a gimmick or do people actually see better performance from the bats they have swung that have it?


New Member

Dudley bats have "Grip Spin technology" which is a tacky paint finish that is suppose to help promote spinning of the ball creating higher and longer distance hits. In theory it would be trying to take advantage of the "Magnus effect" which can alter the flight of the ball due to spin. Just hoping to get people's opinion of if they see it making a difference out in the field or if its just a marketing story.


Addicted to Softballfans
Oh, OK. "Grip" made me think it had something to do with the grip on the handle. Wasn't thinking about the tackyfied surface of the barrel.
Stands to reason that the more backspin on a ball leaving the bat, the further it will carry and certainly a tacky surface should grip the ball better and generate more backspin. This notion has been used for quite a while. Have seen folks spray 3M adhesive on their bat before. Personally, I feel the affect might be negligible and is more of a marketing ploy. But I'm a sucky hitter and ain't nothing gonna help me ....

What's It 2 Ya?

Addicted to Softballfans
My friends and I have played outfield for more years than we care remember. We have discussed the flight of the balls hit off Dudley bats as compared to other bats. All of us agree that of all the thousands and thousands balls hit toward us in many games and many, many batting practices, we can't see any difference in the flight of the balls. If the difference in the flight of the balls hit off Dudley bats was HUGE, then the bats would deemed dangerous to fielders and possibly outlawed. Of all the games and tournaments I've been to, not ounce have I heard anybody call out to the fielders, "Watch out! He's swinging a Dudley bat with Spin Grip".


Evil Genius
I already hit like I'm using a wedge.

I have a few bats with grip or texture and have/had many more without and I can't say I've noticed any additional spin due to the grippy bats. I guess they may add a little more spin which might result in a little more carry but nothing noticeable. I know I've never thought my smooth bats were too slick to impart spin.


I don't believe imparting spin to the ball should be considered a gimmick.
However, in virtually all high speed images of the collision between bat and ball the amount of deformation to both is significant.
I believe the amount of mechanical interaction due to changes in shape are dramatically different than the simple application of friction between two round objects.
In short...spin is a factor but friction is not the dominant factor controlling spin.


What's It 2 Ya?

Addicted to Softballfans
A true way of finding out if the Spin Grip makes a real difference is by doing a blind test. Take several maybe 8 or 9 Dudley Bats that all look the same but some have the Spin Grip on them and others don't have Spin Grip. Then go to practice ball field and have several experienced fielders in the field and have a batter hitting pitched balls using all the bats. How many of these fielders do you think will be able to accurately identify which bats are the bats with Spin Grip on them from those that don't?
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After 2 seasons of frequent use, the tacky coating on my Dudley has almost completely worn off.
I do feel I get more knuckle balls now, but I think that is because the barrel compression is softer from use and fatigue.
The biggest difference I've noticed is that I have less dirt attached to the bat without the coating.
Overall differences appear to be minimal and difficult to quantify.

I would say the function of the coating is mostly marketing hype.
However, despite any of the above, performance, durability and price of the Dudley is comparable to other top tier bats.
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What's It 2 Ya?

Addicted to Softballfans
Don't get me wrong.
I presently own 3 Dudley Legend Senior Bats.

I believe the Dudley Bat is as good as any bat on the market.....

With or without the Spin Grip!

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No worries.
I think we are both on the same side of this fence.
I just wanted to be sure that nobody would think poorly of Dudley because I was bashing their marketing claims.