Have a gtg board member that needs your help


Addicted to Softballfans
I've completed a dozen or more deals with Mel. He was one of the first board brother I met on this site when it first started. He is a very good man. I remeber how proud he was when his son was born. If he needs help, I'm glad to do what I can. I will text him.

$100 sent via paypal to Mel.

Thanks to all who have so generously help a GTG brother.../W

Wayne, I am right there with you. I've dealt with Mel when he was on the Mohrboard but some of these dumbasses would rather ***** then help someone out.

Mel, I could only send around $30. I hope it helps you out. I left my number in the paypal if I can help you with anything else LMK!!!!!!


Addicted to Softballfans
Mel, Please contact me. I will get you some warm Gear, Warm up Pants, Pullover, Turfs, Beanie. Need Sizes, Thanks


Addicted to Softballfans
Is the address listed for him on the first couple pages still good? I have a package ready to go out.


Addicted to Softballfans
I have only been a member of this board for 3 years and Mel one of my first deals on here. I will never forget what he taught be about this board. I too am glad this board is here to help other softball brothers. I have never met Mel in person, but have spoke too him several times and have done several deals with him. He is really a good person that has fell into a tough situation. So proud of all the support that fella softball fan brothers are providing.


It's all in the reflexes
Jesus Christ there is some callous fuggers in here.....
It's shameful how it's "cool" to "out-****" somebody around here.
Wow... there is a time and place for everything. Some of your ignorant opinions are really not needed. Can we be a bit more respectable? This is an open warning, think before you post. I hope you are never in a position where you need similar help.

Thank you fellas who stepped up to help a fellow board bro in a time of need.

As a resident of NJ, I consider myself extremely lucky to have only relatively minor issues to deal with.

$20 sent, and more will be on it's way if I can scrape any together.



Addicted to Softballfans
Payment Sent (Unique Transaction ID # 250611115P240221B)

Sent to:
Melvin Napalo (The recipient of this payment is Verified)
[email protected]
Amount sent:
-$50.00 USD
Fee amount:
$0.00 USD
Net amount:
-$50.00 USD


Nov 4, 2012
07:33:33 PST


You have sent $50.00 USD to Melvin Napalo with PayPal
Funding Type:
PayPal Balance
Funding Source:
$50.00 USD - PayPal Account


Addicted to Softballfans
Hey Mel God Bless from the Ramos family in Mckinney Tx. I sent you $50 brother. Its not much but I hope it helps.


Addicted to Softballfans
I hope I am not out of line for thinking this, but it would be cool for the people who gave via paypal or mailed packages to help if they could get a GTG review from a moderator. Just a thought, if that was selfish I apologize in advance.


Death By VOLT.....!!
Just catching wind of all this. Great job fellas way to step it up. We sure took a hit here in NJ. It is things like this in these hard times where we can sit back and take a moment and just take it all in. SBF is a great place with a lot of good people here with big hearts that actually do care. Just like anywhere nowadays there are people that just don't have anything or anyone in their lives in which something like this would mean anything to them. I am sure there are many people that could use this help as well, but for now we are helping out Mel a local NJ bro whom I never met in person, but like everyone says and I know for a fact he is as GTG as SBF gets. Hang in there buddy....!!!! PP on the way


Addicted to Softballfans
just lost my job, but I will get some money together and send your way. It may not be much, but I can't possibly imagine what you are going through and will do everything I can to help out. I have family in Atlantic City and I know how bad it is all up and down the coast. Stay strong and a big thank you to all the guys on here who stepped up and helped out. I am going to sell a bat on here as well and will send that money to you as well. Hope things get better for you and your son!


FSU Nation
I just received a text from Mel that he has begun receiving the packages that people have sent...Thank you for the support!


EBAY LIGHT up in here !
Guys I'm am beyond touched by the generosity of the people on this board who have helped me. I have received PayPal and today packages of clothing.... I am even being helped with a vehicle this week.. The outpouring of kindness is more than I ever expected. Thank you everyone for the help, I'll never forget this.


They love to hate me
Menace are you from Keyport or Union Beach... I live right by there too... crazy **** going on here man.


...got that goin for me
Check your Paypal Menace, 3% fees were added.....hey you never know deal could go sideways ;)

Best of luck to you and your boy!!!!


Certified Trap Hoe
Mel we got some Jumbo Tees coming will try to ship some this week wish we had some warmer stuff bro, hang in there!


Well-Known Member
just sent very little that i had, but God provides for your needs and is doing so through this board, hang in there mel.....