Hey Slap hitters...


Addicted to Softballfans
no....it's not like that at all. in bowling, scoring is the only part of the game that matters......power is one facet and no, you dont need a ton of it to play above C

Well sort of. I mean if you're a great spare shooter, 2 strikes a game can still score you a 200 if consecutive. Great spare shooter who can't strike = slappy hitter with no power.

How many true "slap hitters" with no power do you see playing at or above the C level? They exist, but not by the bunches.


rec chip
They told me i had to go get my own balls so I play to not make the last out now. Marshenko is a beast. wasnt he chiselin a hill with softballs trying to make mt rushmore or somethin?


Super Moderator
Well sort of. I mean if you're a great spare shooter, 2 strikes a game can still score you a 200 if consecutive. Great spare shooter who can't strike = slappy hitter with no power.

How many true "slap hitters" with no power do you see playing at or above the C level? They exist, but not by the bunches.

Without the lesser talent in each sport mentioned, neither exists.

With that said, could careless if I hit any homeruns ever. As long as there are players around to support what I like to do, that means the sport will survive.

Without the recreational bowlers or recreational softball players, neither sport exists ! Just because a player can't strike or hit a homerun doesn't mean they derserved to be judged any less as they are important.


Voted '15 Mod of the Year
I will probably never bowl a 300, but I've beaten a few guys that have bowled 300's. Win is a Win.


Addicted to Softballfans
Well sort of. I mean if you're a great spare shooter, 2 strikes a game can still score you a 200 if consecutive. Great spare shooter who can't strike = slappy hitter with no power.

How many true "slap hitters" with no power do you see playing at or above the C level? They exist, but not by the bunches.

I guess you could say power hitters definitely out number slap hitters but power is far from being the top player. Especially these days. More and more upper teams are going to less power but better defensive players for the mere fact that almost anyone can hit a ball out with a composite bat.


Addicted to Softballfans
"It's not my job to hit HR's" :rolleyes:

^^^ It's ok if you don't hit for power but don't say this. ^^^


Banned User
I bet half of these slap hitters have lower cholesterol than Machenko and will out live him by a good 20 years.


Rec Coed Superstar
Who really cares home runs don't win softball games. I have some power not as much as the big boys but I can usually leave the yard when I want to and with the changing rules in softball it really doesnt mean ish. I'd much rather have a bunch of good slap hitters on my team then a bunch of guys who hit the crap out of the ball but have no bat control. The game of softball Mike M played is not the same game being played today. You are comparing the apples and oranges.


Ha, ha, ha.......I love all the "I could if I wanted, but homeruns don't win games........" From all the people that can't do it. Secretly they wish they were man enough to yank them out, but their point of view is skewed by their lack of power and then they try to validate and rationalize how base hits are better...........LOLZ!

Homeruns are hits too 'tard.


Addicted to Softballfans
Why is everyone so obsessed with home runs...most places put a limit on them anyway. They're really not that exciting.


Super Moderator
Ha, ha, ha.......I love all the "I could if I wanted, but homeruns don't win games........" From all the people that can't do it. Secretly they wish they were man enough to yank them out, but their point of view is skewed by their lack of power and then they try to validate and rationalize how base hits are better...........LOLZ!

Homeruns are hits too 'tard.

Man enough ? LOL ..

Homeruns are considered hits .. I'll give you that one. But, slap hitters are every bit a man as a homerun hitter. MAN = MAN no matter what one MAN can do 'tard.

DLMK .. cause IRDC



Man enough ? LOL ..

Homeruns are considered hits .. I'll give you that one. But, slap hitters are every bit a man as a homerun hitter. MAN = MAN no matter what one MAN can do 'tard.

DLMK .. cause IRDC


Says the man with no power..........You go ahead and get your 3 singles with 3 total bases for the game and I'll go ahead and take my 13 total bases in various combinations for the game.....Which helps the team more???


Addicted to Softballfans
I am happy getting doubles by painting the lines and hitting gaps! I cant remember the last time I actually swung for the fences besides in BP!! lol


Super Moderator
Says the man with no power..........You go ahead and get your 3 singles with 3 total bases for the game and I'll go ahead and take my 13 total bases in various combinations for the game.....Which helps the team more???

Since you went there, I'll go there :


You know who you are, and I believe you're invaluable to teams. If you're the type of hitter that knows that he's going to the plate to hit the ball in the grass and excels at doing this.......I applaud you. There are far too many singles hitters that swing for the fences and hurt their teams. Homerun hitters are of no worth without you guys in front of them.

One of the hardest things to figure out for a player is how you fit and help your teams. The longballers get the glory but you are instrumental in winning. Continue doing what you do best, and you can play for any team. Your value is not overlooked by those who know the game.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out as you will have your tail between your legs. :p

Its all good ... I'm HAPPY being me and doing what I do for the TEAM I play with.


Don't let the door hit you on the way out with your tail between your legs. Its all good ... I'm HAPPY being me and doing what I do for the TEAM I play with.

Jesus.........You really do take this **** seriously don't you??....You have fun being your awesome super serious self. I'll have fun being me.........You should go into politics, a lack of personality would suit you well there.


Rec Coed Superstar
Ha, ha, ha.......I love all the "I could if I wanted, but homeruns don't win games........" From all the people that can't do it. Secretly they wish they were man enough to yank them out, but their point of view is skewed by their lack of power and then they try to validate and rationalize how base hits are better...........LOLZ!

Homeruns are hits too 'tard.

With almost every tourney around here allowing 0/1 bomb most balls over the fence are the same as striking out.


Super Moderator
Jesus.........You really do take this **** seriously don't you??....You have fun being your awesome super serious self. I'll have fun being me.........You should go into politics, a lack of personality would suit you well there.

Serious ? Whos being serious now ?

I call it the way I see it .. nothing more and nothing less. You ATTACKED many with your e-name calling. I am now calling you out.

This is the INTERNET. How serious can it be ? Obviously for some to start these types of threads must fill that man void in ones life.

Again .. DLMK cause IRDC !