I am having an issue with the thumb of top hand!


New Member
During Batting practices the thumb of my top hand gets worse and worse, feels like it’s dislocating, like at the end of my swing it’s getting pulled out of joint! Been swinging all winter only started happening the last month or so! Anyone else have the issue that can tell me what I am doing wrong!


3DX Connoisseur
Interesting. You must be doing something drastically wrong if your swing is causing that much torque on your top hand thumb.


Well-Known Member
Had issues last year with my bottom thumb knuckle getting tore up using a semi overlap grip with a bad pair of batting gloves. Never heard of anyone hurting their top hand thumb. Hope you can get it figured out.


Crazy stuff.............When I use the reverse rotation grip my thumbs don't even touch the bat. In fact, even when I use the overlap grip my thumbs don't touch the bat. The bat should be out in your fingers and not in your palm.... If you do this, you're thumbs don't even touch the bat.