OG combat da bomb vs todays senior bats


just looking for some info on how the OG combat da bomb gray compares to todays senior bats,i have a niw da bomb 1st batch and not sure if I should open it thanks

The newer bats are much better. But there are many, who love this bat, which are hard to get..., and is a very good for that particular hitter.. I had a 30EL once broken-in at the time was an excellent bat, unfortunately it blew up around the 400+ hit range.. If I had your bat, I'd sell it, slightly above full price and get one of the newer bats, we have available to us today... like the Dudley, Miken 2 PC UII Black/Green, Bigcat or the Hyper Z.. good luck...;)


Putting on the foil
My favorite bat of all times the only problem is they flex so much the endcaps wont stay in...

I owned about 15 different Grey's and they were the only combat model I DIDNT have that problem with. It is my opinion that the 1.20 bpf model was a bit better than the 1.21 bpf model.


Addicted to Softballfans
The Original Da Bomb was an excellent bat. I would use it against any of the bats out there. It was just a great design that Combat came up with. Any Combat bat before the MM Gear 2 with the Blue paint job were all 1.20. When they changed the color to the Blue MM Gear it reads 1.21. That was one of the reasons for the new color. SSUSA wanted 1.21 on all of the senor bats so that an umpire can identify with it. If it has the 1.21 on it then there is no questions about it being legal for senior ball. I would not sell it and keep hitting it. Even the second and third batches played well. The very first one that was made had a blue tint to it and if that had a 1.20 on I can not remember back that far. Ha! Ha! A person that use to have a web site called Sports Bleachers used to have them for sale at a very good price because he got a great deal from Combat on them when they first came out. The Original, the 10 inch Red One and then the Mike Macenko Yellow bat all had 1.20 on them. I use to use all of the colors when I would play. Just to show people that they were all good. I have the Blue MM Gear 2 bat and I think it still hits pretty damn good. The key here is when you change something that is good players have the idea that the bat is just not the same. So the sales dropped off from the Yellow one but the bats are still good. Just my 2 cents.

Mighty Mike Macenko
aka: Gorilla Boy


I hit like a little girl.
I have the Blue MM Gear 2 bat and I think it still hits pretty damn good. The key here is when you change something that is good players have the idea that the bat is just not the same. So the sales dropped off from the Yellow one but the bats are still good. Just my 2 cents.

Mighty Mike Macenko
aka: Gorilla Boy

I agree with you on this Mike. I liked the Blue MM Gear 2 bats. In fact I think I hit my furthest ball with one (which still isn't very far). But I like to try all the bats, so I usually don't keep anything very long.

What's It 2 Ya?

Addicted to Softballfans

Will you please explain why the 1st batch of bats is different and preferred over the other batches?
I can't seem to understand what the difference is and how can I know which batch a bat is from?

Also, about how many bats are in a batch?

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Addicted to Softballfans
I bought a Dabomb back in 2006 because my league didn't allow Mikens and it is still my gamer today. No bp or league use, tournaments only. Dudley & Reebok legend might get you a little extra distance but for me I like the feel of the Dabomb. I had the 10" red Dabomb also which was very hot, but end cap kept coming off til it finally exploded.
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Addicted to Softballfans
The blue Dabomb, without the 1.20 bpf was an exclusive for Diamond Sports or Sports Diamond(not sure) out of Minnesota. It looked just like the Dabomb I used to swing in USSSA, first batch was close to senior hot.
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Addicted to Softballfans
Have a couple of teammates who purchased the blue MM gear for $99 and those babies are hot. One of them gets better results with the gear over his Dudley Lightning.


Addicted to Softballfans
What's it 2 Ya, great question. When the bat manufacturers do a run on bats it is anywhere from 500 to 1500 most of the time. Depends on how they are set up. They have serial numbers on the bats today to tell them when the bat was manufactured. That will let the buyer know if the bat is a second batch or not.

Mighty Mike Macenko
aka: Gorilla Boy


<font color="#00FF00">bangin milk-moneys wife</fon
any one know where I can get a new end cap ? I chipped mine :(

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Active Member
Well stated Mike.
I have the first batch og Snake & the yellow mm. Both bat spit fire fire. I've also have the 2013 sr. Dirty along with the 2014 dirty and super dirty. I like the Dirty line, but they aren't like the predecessors. Ive swung the monsta sr. it remined me of the snake, but durabilty was in question. I just got the new Combat SR. Maxum, this bat is the closest I've swung that has the feel of the grey snake. The Maxum is impressive. The question now is durabilty. Mine has 300 swings from various types of left & right hand hitters. Will keep you posted.


Addicted to Softballfans
The blue Dabomb, without the 1.20 bpf was an exclusive for Diamond Sports or Sports Diamond(not sure) out of Minnesota. It looked just like the Dabomb I used to swing in USSSA, first batch was close to senior hot.

I have heard this about Sports Diamond exclusive on the 2005 blue version of the SENIOR Da Bomb but don't see how this is possible. I bought TWO new from a sporting goods store in Gainesville GA and still have them.


Addicted to Softballfans
I have a 26 EL "The OG DaBomb" with no association stamps, no 1.20 or 1.21 bpf stamp withe the target end cap and gray knob? Is it legal in Senior Play?


Well-Known Member
Very interesting discussions here.
I have a first batch B1 Da Bomb. endcap broke, I sent it back and combat replace it with the rubber one. I never went yard again.
I bought an Original DaBomb blue direct from Combat in Canada. Never noticed it did not have the 1:20 until I was told to remove it from a game.
Now I use the Original grey snake DaBomb, like it but use my Dudley most of the time.
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