Pickup player horror stories

I was asked to play in a RR on a Friday night. Team was just a mix of guys, so its funny how this happened. First game started late so I had time to meet my wife and her friends for a drink during happy hour. On my way home from work I get a text from the guy who was putting together the team. He asked if I could find a SS. So I looked over my contacts and called who I could until I sat down at the table where my wife and her friends were. So I was introduce to some of the ppl there who I have never met. Normally always females, but this one time a couple of guys. So one of the girls who knew me ask if or when the next time I was playing softball because one of the guys was interested in playing. So I told them I was playing in a few hrs. So this one guy goes on about how he played college ball and he was a 4 yr starter. How great he was and he played SS. Well needless to say, I said we needed a SS. The guy said he wanted to play but no gear. I told him not to worry about it, I live 5 min away and I can loan him stuff to wear and had a glove he can use. He was in and I let the person who was running the team that I found a guy.

So we get to the park and started to play. Mind you we were sober. First shot that came to him he didn't move, looked rusty from my view. Then the next one, the ball hit straight to him and off the glove and rolled off the shoulder. His words were "not use to this glove". So after a few missed fielded balls he gets one and over throws 1st pretty bad. Team at this point wasn't upset but thought it was comical because he bragged about his resume. So then getting into the next inning we had a runner on first. Shot to 2nd and the guy turns to throw for the double play and this dude was just standing there looking at him and never moved. So we told him to play out field but he wanted one last chance. So the very next batter hits one straight to him and hops right into the face. IT GETS BETTER. So after taking time to see if he was ok, and clean the blood off his face, he wanted to keep playing. So after moving ppl around we put him in RC because he was fast and we really couldn't put him anywhere else. RF was a catcher btw. We get out of the inning, playing the game. This guy strikes out swinging every time never allowing a ball to ever go by. Then we take the field and a guy hits a pop up to RC. This guy might of had to take a step or two to camp under the ball. Well this guy lets the ball hit him in the face .... again. That was all in 1 game. He asked if he could sit out the rest of the tourney and drink and we said no prob. It was a long quite ride home.
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Addicted to Softballfans
Kind of a reverse pick-up story.........

I had always played modified & never played slow pitch before. My former modified team had disbanded the previous year. I decided that I didn't want to travel anymore & there was an upper level slow pitch league close to home. I headed over to where a lot of teams practiced & there was a team there holding tryouts. I proceed to work out with them figuring I'd at least get a workout. There were about 25-30 guys there & at some point the manager decides to have a scrimmage game.

He divides the guys into 2 teams. His veterans make up one team & the new guys trying out make up the other. Before we start playing, he proceeds to give the new guys this warning.........

"My vets are good players so don't be discouraged if you can't keep up with them. We play in a very tough league & to be honest, it's highly unlikely that any of you will be able to make this team. Just go out there & show us what you've got but don't get your hopes up."

Anyway, our team of so-called new guys proceed on to completely destroy his vets! It wasn't even close! The manager came over to me after the game to ask if I'd be interested in playing with them. I told him I had other commitments & he practically followed me out of the park trying to change my mind.

The real kicker is that I didn't play in that league until the following year (different team). It was then that I found out that this guy's team was one of the worst in the league! Dodged a bullet!!! :D

Maverick - sounds like some guys I know from the old neighborhood. Did this team happen to play in Dyker Park, or the Dust Bowl?

By the way I am still holding out. I have still never played slo-pitch.


Average, at best
We were short for a carnival tournament and I could find no one to play. I saw an ad on Craigslist when I was looking for bats and so I reached out to him. Guy said he plays SS or OF. I thought perfect since we needed a SS, especially Saturday. Sunday we had a couple regulars coming in due to a Saturday wedding. Well it was one of the weirdest pick ups ever. He wasn't horrible but he wasn't good.

We show up and I find him parked on top of the hill, where no one parks due to fans sitting there usually. I introduce myself. He gets out and looks to be in his mid 40s. Our team was entirely made up of 25-27 year old guys. So he stuck out. I think to myself whatever we need a guy today and he showed up and owns his own gear so we'll deal with it. I tell him to go play SS and he'll bat last since he's new. Well he may have hit .400 or .500 in 3 games on Saturday, so that wasn't a big deal. The issues were he played SS in short left center. After he booted a couple he finally fielded one and proceeded to throw it away. So after 3 innings I tell him to go to RF and we pull our middle to 3B, 3B to SS and RF to Middle with him going to RF. Luckily he only had like 2 hit to him the rest of the day and he caught them both with his 15" glove.

The worst part was after the game he wouldn't talk to the guys, did not want to hang out with the team and proceeded to sit in his car overlooking the hill with all the windows down, 80s music playing while chain smoking cigarettes. So after he did this all day while our team was 30 feet away enjoying cold refreshments and the carnival atmosphere I advised him we'll have too many tomorrow and his services will not be needed. Thanked him and saw him once more since. He was wearing the same jersey, playing a horrible 3B and was on that team that thinks they have so many sick pieces they should win the tournament but the issue is they are absolute dog crap and the only guys who'll pick them up are.... each other.


Addicted to Softballfans
I was asked to play in a RR on a Friday night. Team was just a mix of guys, so its funny how this happened. First game started late so I had time to meet my wife and her friends for a drink during happy hour. On my way home from work I get a text from the guy who was putting together the team. He asked if I could find a SS. So I looked over my contacts and called who I could until I sat down at the table where my wife and her friends were. So I was introduce to some of the ppl there who I have never met. Normally always females, but this one time a couple of guys. So one of the girls who knew me ask if or when the next time I was playing softball because one of the guys was interested in playing. So I told them I was playing in a few hrs. So this one guy goes on about how he played college ball and he was a 4 yr starter. How great he was and he played SS. Well needless to say, I said we needed a SS. The guy said he wanted to play but no gear. I told him not to worry about it, I live 5 min away and I can loan him stuff to wear and had a glove he can use. He was in and I let the person who was running the team that I found a guy.

So we get to the park and started to play. Mind you we were sober. First shot that came to him he didn't move, looked rusty from my view. Then the next one, the ball hit straight to him and off the glove and rolled off the shoulder. His words were "not use to this glove". So after a few missed fielded balls he gets one and over throws 1st pretty bad. Team at this point wasn't upset but thought it was comical because he bragged about his resume. So then getting into the next inning we had a runner on first. Shot to 2nd and the guy turns to throw for the double play and this dude was just standing there looking at him and never moved. So we told him to play out field but he wanted one last chance. So the very next batter hits one straight to him and hops right into the face. IT GETS BETTER. So after taking time to see if he was ok, and clean the blood off his face, he wanted to keep playing. So after moving ppl around we put him in RC because he was fast and we really couldn't put him anywhere else. RF was a catcher btw. We get out of the inning, playing the game. This guy strikes out swinging every time never allowing a ball to ever go by. Then we take the field and a guy hits a pop up to RC. This guy might of had to take a step or two to camp under the ball. Well this guy lets the ball hit him in the face .... again. That was all in 1 game. He asked if he could sit out the rest of the tourney and drink and we said no prob. It was a long quite ride home.

Which Chris was this? Garza or Kyle?


Addicted to Softballfans
week of worlds I had 3 guys bail, ended up with 10. figured okay we can manage. had a guy lose a family member two days before worlds.

went down with 9 guys, and had a buddy in the area who said he played and would be fine. he was worried about hitting an OE though cause he only ever played baseball. he proceeded to go 0-4 in our first game striking out 3 times. and he couldn't catch a damn thing. we ended up just not using him and taking an out in the 10th spot.

needless to say we went 4-2 and played the last 5 games of Worlds with 9 guys, it was fun but it sucked.


Active Member
I was asked to play in a RR on a Friday night. Team was just a mix of guys, so its funny how this happened. First game started late so I had time to meet my wife and her friends for a drink during happy hour. On my way home from work I get a text from the guy who was putting together the team. He asked if I could find a SS. So I looked over my contacts and called who I could until I sat down at the table where my wife and her friends were. So I was introduce to some of the ppl there who I have never met. Normally always females, but this one time a couple of guys. So one of the girls who knew me ask if or when the next time I was playing softball because one of the guys was interested in playing. So I told them I was playing in a few hrs. So this one guy goes on about how he played college ball and he was a 4 yr starter. How great he was and he played SS. Well needless to say, I said we needed a SS. The guy said he wanted to play but no gear. I told him not to worry about it, I live 5 min away and I can loan him stuff to wear and had a glove he can use. He was in and I let the person who was running the team that I found a guy.

So we get to the park and started to play. Mind you we were sober. First shot that came to him he didn't move, looked rusty from my view. Then the next one, the ball hit straight to him and off the glove and rolled off the shoulder. His words were "not use to this glove". So after a few missed fielded balls he gets one and over throws 1st pretty bad. Team at this point wasn't upset but thought it was comical because he bragged about his resume. So then getting into the next inning we had a runner on first. Shot to 2nd and the guy turns to throw for the double play and this dude was just standing there looking at him and never moved. So we told him to play out field but he wanted one last chance. So the very next batter hits one straight to him and hops right into the face. IT GETS BETTER. So after taking time to see if he was ok, and clean the blood off his face, he wanted to keep playing. So after moving ppl around we put him in RC because he was fast and we really couldn't put him anywhere else. RF was a catcher btw. We get out of the inning, playing the game. This guy strikes out swinging every time never allowing a ball to ever go by. Then we take the field and a guy hits a pop up to RC. This guy might of had to take a step or two to camp under the ball. Well this guy lets the ball hit him in the face .... again. That was all in 1 game. He asked if he could sit out the rest of the tourney and drink and we said no prob. It was a long quite ride home.

maybe he had a concussion after the ball hit him in the face


Star Player
LMAO oh man this is funny stuff. I was a Craigslist Guy

Just over a year ago while at work I was bored and was thinking to myself that I need to pick up a new hobby. I can’t be doing any more crazy mountain biking or snowboarding because now I have a wife and 2 daughters to support. LOL!!! I went on Craigslist and saw an ad that said “911 need a softball player tonight @ 6:30pm”. I was thinking to myself how hard can this be I played high school baseball (17 years ago) I should be fine. I happen to have my gym clothes and tennis shoes in the car so I replied and said I can play but don’t have a glove or cleats and planning to drive to the field right after work. The guy was desperate and replies back and says that’s cool just show up.
He puts me as catcher which I didn’t screw up. My first at bat the pitcher pitches a flat pitch that I just destroy easily 350’+ (maybe because I was so used to baseball pitches). Next 4x at bat the pitcher pitched me some high arched pitches 16ft as a result: infield popup, infield popup, infield popup, fouled out. I was cut from team not even a thank you for playing with us.
I really had a good time playing so I bought my own gear (even a pitcher screen to practice BP) and started playing some pickup games on weekends . FAST FORWARD >>>> 2 seasons later my batting is impressive, I’m playing my HS position 3rd base, and I started My own team. We happen to play the team that cut me and we destroyed them (mercy rule applied).


Droppin' 280 ft bombs
I needed a guy for one game at a tourney, and this guy I worked with kept begging to play and said he played baseball in high school. OK, I say, you can play one game til our regular gets here. His first AB he takes this weak, slow-motion half-ass swing and whiffs completely. It was totally bizarre. We're all looking at each other like WTF is that...he's gotta be playing around. Nobody really swings that way. Nope, same thing next pitch. "Sorry guys," he says, "I'm used to fastballs." :eek: Some of the guys who were there still talk about it. It was so terrible, it was like you'd have to be that bad on purpose. I have no explanation.


Addicted to BP
Why does everyone need a SS in their stories? Seems like a lot of people are hurting for talent to begin with.....


Star Player
I played on a coed team with a pickup player that ended up being a team member. She played catcher. She had no arm strength what so ever, so underhand rolled every ball back to the pitcher, bowling style. What's worse is the pitcher had to walk out like 10 steps to pick it up because she couldn't roll it all the way back. We went 0-16 that season. I am sure we were all to blame in some aspect.


About six years ago I had to pick up a guy for my Sunday morning team. I basically just needed a body so my brother said his neighbor kept bugging him, told him that he was good, and that he played for one of the popular good local teams. The guy was a roider gym rat so I figured that if he can't field well at least he can mash a couple. The dude was terrible, just terrible. He struck out swinging every time, I didn't bother putting him in the infield, he couldn't catch anything, I mean Anything. He couldn't even position himself right in the outfield. He was also mostly def too and I kept yelling at him to move and he wouldn't pay attention so I had to run over to him between every play to get him in the right position. I just told him we were good the next week and never invited him back. I know some people have good intentions but C'MON MAN...smh.


Star Player
I was asked to play in a RR on a Friday night. Team was just a mix of guys, so its funny how this happened. First game started late so I had time to meet my wife and her friends for a drink during happy hour. On my way home from work I get a text from the guy who was putting together the team. He asked if I could find a SS. So I looked over my contacts and called who I could until I sat down at the table where my wife and her friends were. So I was introduce to some of the ppl there who I have never met. Normally always females, but this one time a couple of guys. So one of the girls who knew me ask if or when the next time I was playing softball because one of the guys was interested in playing. So I told them I was playing in a few hrs. So this one guy goes on about how he played college ball and he was a 4 yr starter. How great he was and he played SS. Well needless to say, I said we needed a SS. The guy said he wanted to play but no gear. I told him not to worry about it, I live 5 min away and I can loan him stuff to wear and had a glove he can use. He was in and I let the person who was running the team that I found a guy.

So we get to the park and started to play. Mind you we were sober. First shot that came to him he didn't move, looked rusty from my view. Then the next one, the ball hit straight to him and off the glove and rolled off the shoulder. His words were "not use to this glove". So after a few missed fielded balls he gets one and over throws 1st pretty bad. Team at this point wasn't upset but thought it was comical because he bragged about his resume. So then getting into the next inning we had a runner on first. Shot to 2nd and the guy turns to throw for the double play and this dude was just standing there looking at him and never moved. So we told him to play out field but he wanted one last chance. So the very next batter hits one straight to him and hops right into the face. IT GETS BETTER. So after taking time to see if he was ok, and clean the blood off his face, he wanted to keep playing. So after moving ppl around we put him in RC because he was fast and we really couldn't put him anywhere else. RF was a catcher btw. We get out of the inning, playing the game. This guy strikes out swinging every time never allowing a ball to ever go by. Then we take the field and a guy hits a pop up to RC. This guy might of had to take a step or two to camp under the ball. Well this guy lets the ball hit him in the face .... again. That was all in 1 game. He asked if he could sit out the rest of the tourney and drink and we said no prob. It was a long quite ride home.

Maybe he thought you meant basketball


Dr. bats are for wimps
It was a league game and we were always short so coach tells us he found a ringer.
The guy gets there and clue number 1 is his bat bag is a plastic draw string bag.
Clue number 2 is he brings out a plastic little league glove, says he plays short so he likes the little glove.
Clue 3 was couldn't catch a ball during warm ups.
The other team figured him out quick so no matter where we moved him they would hit it to him.
He had 1 slow roller to him at second, right under the glove lol.
Watching him try to catch a fly ball was even better.
After the game the coach apologized and said he met the guy in Walmart and he sounded so convincing lol.
We lost pretty bad but no one cared because it was so funny.


Star Player
Needed a girl Reno, NV for Ballon Race Tourney a few years ago. We call ahead and the director says he has a solid girl for us... Chick shows up double fisting beers at 9am, lol... Needless to say she was solid for the first game and then worth a crap the rest of the day. Think we still ended up placing 3rd out of 25 team.


Starting Player
One of my teams was in need of a pitcher for a league night double-header. So we pick up this guy who is a softball groupie--always talks about the teams he plays for and the tournaments he plays in and all the guys he played with that play B and C ball and all that...
He comes in and pitches for us. First inning he walked 4 guys in a row. Whatever, he some of the pitches looked pretty close so maybe he'd get it figured out and make the adjustment.

Nope. The next 3 innings he walked at least 3 guys in each inning. We tried to move him to C because he said that was the only other position he played. He got super pissed that "we were being ****s to him" so whatever, we didn't need the drama we just let him keep pitching. We lost the first game because he walked 17 guys (including walking in the GW run). The second game we won despite another 12-15 walks. He then walked over to the concessions to find the schedule for next week and showed up the next week too (uninvited).
We sent him home.


Droppin' 280 ft bombs
Ha...we had a guy show up to the league playoffs ready to play. Completely uninvited. Told him we didn't need him. He looked like I kicked his puppy.


Addicted to Softballfans
I literally have to stop reading these. Im at work and I am crying from laughing so hard.


Addicted to Softballfans
Needed guys for a mens team. Guy at work said he had played before so I invite him to play. Later tells me that he never played before. He starts at 2nd base and misses 3-4 balls. Goes to RF and misses another couple. Eventually put him at catcher. He struck out a couple times also. Best part was the next day he says he thinks SS is the position for him.


Addicted to Softballfans

Needed guys for a mens team. Guy at work said he had played before so I invite him to play. Later tells me that he never played before. He starts at 2nd base and misses 3-4 balls. Goes to RF and misses another couple. Eventually put him at catcher. He struck out a couple times also. Best part was the next day he says he thinks SS is the position for him.

Ok....literally just spit my coke all over my desk.


Addicted to Softballfans
On the other end of the spectrum. Picked up a bf/gf couple from craigslist when we were running way short in coed. Both were actually decent players, nothing special but paid on time/got there on time/decent enough fielders/hitters. Anyway, he calls me before one of the seasons to tell me they broke up and they won't be playing, we ended up calling the girl and she still plays coed with us to this day.


Addicted to Softballfans
On the other end of the spectrum. Picked up a bf/gf couple from craigslist when we were running way short in coed. Both were actually decent players, nothing special but paid on time/got there on time/decent enough fielders/hitters. Anyway, he calls me before one of the seasons to tell me they broke up and they won't be playing, we ended up calling the girl and she still plays coed with us to this day.

Damn, take it she was better then him or just easier to fill the guys spot. Hahaha


Addicted to Softballfans
week of worlds I had 3 guys bail, ended up with 10. figured okay we can manage. had a guy lose a family member two days before worlds.

went down with 9 guys, and had a buddy in the area who said he played and would be fine. he was worried about hitting an OE though cause he only ever played baseball. he proceeded to go 0-4 in our first game striking out 3 times. and he couldn't catch a damn thing. we ended up just not using him and taking an out in the 10th spot.

needless to say we went 4-2 and played the last 5 games of Worlds with 9 guys, it was fun but it sucked.

Mark was vgtg :rolleyes:

Should have looked on Craigslist :D


Addicted to Softballfans
Why does everyone need a SS in their stories? Seems like a lot of people are hurting for talent to begin with.....

It's hard to find a good SS or 3b and keep them.

In my experience the best pick ups have always been guys a little more humble about their skills. The guys and girls I've picked up that brag about their high school or college days almost never panned out.


Starting Player
On the other end of the spectrum. Picked up a bf/gf couple from craigslist when we were running way short in coed. Both were actually decent players, nothing special but paid on time/got there on time/decent enough fielders/hitters. Anyway, he calls me before one of the seasons to tell me they broke up and they won't be playing, we ended up calling the girl and she still plays coed with us to this day.

This actually happened to my tournament squad. We were in need of a P for a tournament and this guy posted on one of the softball groups on Facebook that he was looking to play that weekend. I vaguely recognized him so I offered him a spot on our team that weekend. He was a great addition. Very good P, a solid hitter, and a good guy. He played with us at state and fall state and is on our team full-time this season.:biggthumpup:


Addicted to Softballfans
here's my little story, playing Friday night league a guys comes up and says hey we need you for a tourney this weekend you free? His coach asked him to get 2 guys,short players, good team blah blah ..But you have to drive an hour, so Yeah why not! I arrive at field coach walks up and says i have 10 you are 11 do you mind sitting and EH?
I'm here, sure.... about to start game as they are talking to blue other team says they are short, guys got into accident and wont make it, coach says we have an extra take him. Onto other team i go staring with 9, team beats us pretty good. They pick up another and we roll through loser bracket to meet the team that asked me again, i had a "one of those tourneys" just on fire hitting all over the field. Back and forth game we force the if game. During the short 5 minute break the guy that originally asked me comes over and says, hey take it easy on us, we need this to place for state, i shrugged and said you guys gave me away, another back and forth game we beat them on a bases loaded walk. To this day the guy that asked and the coach wont talk to me, it happened 15 years ago....