So I got a strawberry last Friday ...


New Member
It's been 5 days since I got it and don't remember them really since the last time I had one was high school which was been about 13 years ago, are they supposed to still be really sore 5 days after the fact? Like can't even sit on it sore? It's not red or infected as I've cleaned it REALLY well, feels like my muscle is very tight too, happened to get it basically right under my butt cheek a little to the left. (Think the back of my hip / outside of my butt cheek if that makes sense)

Also, I've have it covered for 2 days now with neosporin and gauze with a bandage, would it be better at this point to let it air out or continue to bandage it?

edit : added picture, not the worst, but extremely frigging annoying

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50AAA USA National Champs
keep it bandaged, it will heal faster and have less of a scar when healed


Addicted to Softballfans
It's been 5 days since I got it and don't remember them really since the last time I had one was high school which was been about 13 years ago, are they supposed to still be really sore 5 days after the fact? Like can't even sit on it sore? It's not red or infected as I've cleaned it REALLY well, feels like my muscle is very tight too, happened to get it basically right under my butt cheek a little to the left. (Think the back of my hip / outside of my butt cheek if that makes sense)

Also, I've have it covered for 2 days now with neosporin and gauze with a bandage, would it be better at this point to let it air out or continue to bandage it?
Bandages aren't working, give it some air. I'd also be willing to bet you've been extremely generous with the ointment...


Well-Known Member
best to let it air out, at this point. I've had one so bad I was picking pebbles out of my skin. My shorts were sticking to it. kinda nasty. lol


New Member
best to let it air out, at this point. I've had one so bad I was picking pebbles out of my skin. My shorts were sticking to it. kinda nasty. lol

that was my problem ... my shorts kept sticking to it so I wrapped it up for a few days, think I'm just gonna let it air out the rest of the night and see how it is in the morning, only problem is I work in excavation, so I'm sitting right on it all day and it's rubbing against the seat everytime the machine moves lol


Well-Known Member
that was my problem ... my shorts kept sticking to it so I wrapped it up for a few days, think I'm just gonna let it air out the rest of the night and see how it is in the morning, only problem is I work in excavation, so I'm sitting right on it all day and it's rubbing against the seat everytime the machine moves lol
Yikes. That sucks. I would suggest cover it with a bandage and some type of Neo-type substance. Then uncover when you get home to try to get a scab to form.


New Member
Usually get mine to scab up within a couple of days. As suggested above, only keep it wrapped while at work just to keep from irritating it, then air it out the rest of the time.


Addicted to Softballfans
Usually get mine to scab up within a couple of days. As suggested above, only keep it wrapped while at work just to keep from irritating it, then air it out the rest of the time.
Second that...

When you get home, dump some peroxide on it and let it dry out


Addicted to Softballfans
I'm sure there's a bruise in there too. Dove for a ball and barely scraped my knee, had a bruise all around the knee and down my shin. Looked like I kicked a phone
Do not pour peroxide on it. It will only irritate the skin further.
You basically have a burn on your skin, weird to think that way I know, but cover it when needed and air it out at home. Biggest thing is just keep it clean. I've had several of those on my leg which is now a scar. Took a long time to heal.


Addicted to Softballfans
I used to be like everyone else and think let it scab up and then in a month the scab will fall away and you're good as new. The problem is scabs slow the healing underneath. That is why that spot is so easy to bust open the next time you slide on it because its basically the same strawberry with a thin piece of healed skin over it.

If you want it to heal correctly keep it wrapped/covered in non-stick gauze or a big band aid and covered in ointment. This way it will heal underneath. That spot will eventually get smaller and less red and that is when you can go with out the cover. It could take a two or three weeks but when its healed properly it won't bust open all the time and you'll have a much smaller scar.

My wife worked in burn and wound at a hospital so that is how I finally saw the light lol.


3DX Connoisseur
Something like that, dump alcohol on it once or twice and leave it open. It'll heal fine. Using too much ointment or keeping it covered all the time will retard the healing process and increase the likelihood of infection.


The Rookie
Let it scab up and keep it clean and open to the air. if you have to wear pants, put a non-stick pad on it and wrap it with gauze. The thing you want to keep from happening is it getting infected (as mine did). It will puss.



Active Member
Let it scab up and keep it clean and open to the air. if you have to wear pants, put a non-stick pad on it and wrap it with gauze. The thing you want to keep from happening is it getting infected (as mine did). It will puss.

And this is why I don't slide anymore...


Active Member
I would slide if I am getting paid or playing on sponsored tournament team.. just not gonna do that in league that I get nothing but a shirt... I still gotta be able to work


Addicted to Softballfans
When I played indoor football and we would get turf burns at night we would put neosporon on it and then wrap it with plastic wrap. This would pull out any infection or foreign bodies that would get in the sore, and then bandage it during the day. The first time I slid in softball did the same treatment and it work just as well.


Addicted to Softballfans
Something like that, dump alcohol on it once or twice and leave it open. It'll heal fine. Using too much ointment or keeping it covered all the time will retard the healing process and increase the likelihood of infection.
Yes, it's kinda like tattoo aftercare. Little bit of ointment goes a long way.