In Post #57 from August, I said my bottom (left) index finger was swollen and very stiff and sore after hitting 90 balls after switching to an overhand grip. Today I'm not so sure swinging the bat had anything to do with the sore finger. When I woke up this morning my right index finger felt just like the left one did then, and it's gotten worse throughout the day, although it's not quite as bad as the other one was. I haven't swung a bat in almost a month. Both times the finger was fine when I went to bed and sore when I woke up. The soreness originates on top of my finger, thumb side, between the nail and joint, just like the other time. I have no idea what caused it.
I have 400+ swings - tee plus games - with the overlap grip, with mixed results vs live pitching. I finally realized I was concentrating too much on my stride and weight shift instead of focusing on making hard contact. Once I shifted my focus, I started making better contact and got more hits over my last 5 or 6 games.
Wife and I took another trip to Ohio in late September. I took my gear, including my Grienert Combat, like I did before, and went to the same park. About 20 swings in, whatever they used as a restrictor inside the bat broke loose and now rattles around in the bat. That bat was never as loud as my Portents, but it is now! Especially at that park with trees and houses close all around! That bat doesn't have enough hits on it to be broken from use.