the official id rather suck my own ******* than see the afc win the superbowl this year thread


Big Truss
**** that true crime **** man. I tried the making a murderer and that Robert Durst **** and its so ****ing dull. Gimme UFOs or something.

I finished the OA last night. It went from weird to real weird to too weird to WTF was that.

I give it a 7.5 out of 10.


Well-Known Member
i got through 1 episode of the robert durst stuff and stopped. making a murderer was compelling cause of the dumbass family. this is just a 2 hours documentary

those girls have mental health issues, at least one of them was getting treatment


life takes guts
So it's not normal to stab your friend and leave her as a sacrifice to an internet urban legend