What a bomb..........


I happened to have seen this earlier browsing youtube, and I see it again because it happened to be posted in here. Doesn't surprise me.


Need more of the chick, I kick further than that. Probly.

Like golf....................I'm far too athletic for kickball. My family thinks I'm crazy with all the time I put into softball. Imagine if I said, "Oh, Dad.....Can't go hunting with you Thursday. That's my kickball league." :eek:

The Crimedog

Best ASA Baterator
Like golf....................I'm far too athletic for kickball. My family thinks I'm crazy with all the time I put into softball. Imagine if I said, "Oh, Dad.....Can't go hunting with you Thursday. That's my kickball league." :eek:

I got friends who play in a kickball league around here, I might play if I had the time. I played dodgeball one season that was pretty cool. I got a buddy of mine who's pinky is still bent from it. I don't think it healed right. :D


Dont Even Trip
Thanks alot Swing !!! this is going to start all kinds of thread from ........ how to do a over lapping kick, to ......... what shoes are best to kick mush balls, and so on and so on.


Star Player
just played a season of summer kickball.

wont be returning for the fall.

its pretty lame.

im pumped to play softball, kickball im hoping for rain.


Addicted to Softballfans
I ump the kickball league out here, it is terrible, but not so bad when the chicks get drunk and start mooning/flashing the other team. No, I don't have pics:(, so in SBF it didn't happen.

It is pretty bad, but I get paid $20/game to drink a few beers and keep score/outs.