
killer mike

Addicted to Softballfans
Swinging my DC in league last night and as I'm swinging the knob comes off, I almost killed the on deck batter.... Ooops

Just witnessed this happen at BLD tonight. Dude goes up to bat, his knob comes off and his bat ends up over the dugout, so he proceeds to pull out his Izzy psycho and handle breaks......... :wtf2:


<font color="#228B22">SBF Fund Donor</font>
Just witnessed this happen at BLD tonight. Dude goes up to bat, his knob comes off and his bat ends up over the dugout, so he proceeds to pull out his Izzy psycho and handle breaks......... :wtf2:

That's a bad night.


So around 600 cuts on my DC and I'm noticing a little EC separation. Also seems like the barrel diameter is increasing at the end. Is this common and I just missed it in this thread ?


Star Player
I had last year's triad pop the knob... They glued it for me... Could have done the Epoxy myself, was kinda hoping for a DC41 as a warranty return though... So I hear people saying the DC and the Triad are the same stick, but I thought they were different barrels or something asside from EL?


I had last year's triad pop the knob... They glued it for me... Could have done the Epoxy myself, was kinda hoping for a DC41 as a warranty return though... So I hear people saying the DC and the Triad are the same stick, but I thought they were different barrels or something asside from EL?

They read like the same stick, just a different load.

I haven't seen that before.
Damn, oh well ill epoxy once it comes out.
I can get a CC under one side.


Star Player
So I know its probably a pretty stupid question, but how do the ASA triads act vs the DC and Triad of Utrip? I know alot of companies are using the same sticks different stamps or disks, but I was wondering if it's the case here. If its the same as the DC I might be looking for one for ASA...


301' Bombs
I think I figured out why I don't swing my DC41 well. It's the weighting..
I usually swing end loads and have swung everything from 26oz LV1's to 30oz L1's.
The weighting on the dc41 just isn't right, the way it feels when even taking dry cuts just feels awkward.
I swung my friends 27.5 LV1 and it feels much much smoother and weighted just better for me.
Same with the duo3 it just feels smoother through the zone.

Maybe I am retarded but it just seems like the weight to me is off.


I think I figured out why I don't swing my DC41 well. It's the weighting..
I usually swing end loads and have swung everything from 26oz LV1's to 30oz L1's.
The weighting on the dc41 just isn't right, the way it feels when even taking dry cuts just feels awkward.
I swung my friends 27.5 LV1 and it feels much much smoother and weighted just better for me.
Same with the duo3 it just feels smoother through the zone.

Maybe I am retarded but it just seems like the weight to me is off.

I will buy it!!


Addicted to Softballfans
I think I figured out why I don't swing my DC41 well. It's the weighting..
I usually swing end loads and have swung everything from 26oz LV1's to 30oz L1's.
The weighting on the dc41 just isn't right, the way it feels when even taking dry cuts just feels awkward.
I swung my friends 27.5 LV1 and it feels much much smoother and weighted just better for me.
Same with the duo3 it just feels smoother through the zone.

Maybe I am retarded but it just seems like the weight to me is off.

Try the triad. Feels identical to me except not as loaded, and performance is same as my buddy's dc.


Boss Awesomesauce
I think I figured out why I don't swing my DC41 well. It's the weighting..
I usually swing end loads and have swung everything from 26oz LV1's to 30oz L1's.
The weighting on the dc41 just isn't right, the way it feels when even taking dry cuts just feels awkward.
I swung my friends 27.5 LV1 and it feels much much smoother and weighted just better for me.
Same with the duo3 it just feels smoother through the zone.

Maybe I am retarded but it just seems like the weight to me is off.

I'd go with retarded.



( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Well Chris and I just got this ish done. It's coming to Utah. Suck it Lou!!!

Too mean?

too soon? i hope it cracks prematurely. :mad:

Lou would have won, had his been a 27.5 not a 26.5.. Too light for me.

thats the problem im having. i wish i had gotten the 27.5. feels great, but i'm not getting the distance i am getting with my heavier bats in the past. i feel like i get a hold of one and its warning track :eek: