? for the older physique guys


Extra Hitter
So I kind of rotate routines
Cutting body fat for most of us = 6pack ( if you have muscle under there) : 1hr of cardio a day or as often as possible and eating an average of 1500 calories or less a day - I got two boys so lots of tournaments practices games etc. You can have crappy food as long as you hit the numbers.
lift as often as you like or can but mostly for maintenance as you wont see a ton of muscle being built or strength gains based on the low calories.

Strength and muscle
Once your happy with the ascetics or close to your goal weight go ahead and double the calories lift hard and heavy whenever you can and take in as much protein as you want. Steak, Fish, Chicken etc , keep the carbs down to half of your proteins. And keep cardio in your routine to maintain the shredded look for as long as possible. I scale watch at this time to regulate the days I go big (like 5k calories in beer and food ) and when not to go big ...try not to over eat two days in a row[/QUOTE]
Definitely not the calorie and diet plan to follow.


What , you no like fasting and taking trips to the hurt locker. Just eat sugar free gummy bears and tape worms


Star Player
I mean sitting at 34 years old I have definitely had my fair share of surgeries and injuries from playing football and baseball thru college and softball, basketball, flag football, soccer as an adult with 3 kids and married. My wife complains that she is 25lbs heavier then she was before kids and marriage (current weight 145) she 5'5. I have stayed the same, I'm 6'5 and weigh in at 240lbs and I try to stay in the gym 6 days a week and do an hour of cardio in the morning and this means I have to wake up earlier then everyone else. Get it in before they wake up but at night all the kids go down around 8:30pm and I am fast asleep by 9:00pm so its really just all in what you want to do and give up to eat healthy and right because at the end of the day, I want to be around for my kids for a while and eating healthy and clean and not drinking or smoking or doing anything really unhealthy for your body might be cutting your time short with your kids on the back end we all got to go sometime but damn I want to make it last.


Rocky Mountain Oyster aka DirtDog
You have to work twice as hard for 1/2 the results. And it hurts more. And takes longer to recover. Probably would less if I did it more often, but **** that. It hurts. 45 was my magic age to start the steeper decline.


Addicted to Softballfans
Been in your shoes minus 1 kid. 42 now with a college kid and jr in high school. I finally got to back to some kind of normal after my oldest graduated high school 2 yrs ago. The one thing I did keep up with was precooking a bunch of chicken and steak. Made a bunch of meals in the crock pot. I did most of the cooking due to wife's old work schedule and had to be creative. It easy to get stuck in a dinner rut and eat the same thing over and over. Still have the dad bod but working on a smaller version. Do what you can and don't let the weight get to out of control. I chose to focus on my family more than my self. Don't regret it one bit.


Rocky Mountain Oyster aka DirtDog
Got my ski pass covered by other means this year, so using my wellness benefit on a gym membership. I just don't know if I can get the bug again, but maybe.


Well-Known Member
I mean sitting at 34 years old I have definitely had my fair share of surgeries and injuries from playing football and baseball thru college and softball, basketball, flag football, soccer as an adult with 3 kids and married. My wife complains that she is 25lbs heavier then she was before kids and marriage (current weight 145) she 5'5. I have stayed the same, I'm 6'5 and weigh in at 240lbs and I try to stay in the gym 6 days a week and do an hour of cardio in the morning and this means I have to wake up earlier then everyone else. Get it in before they wake up but at night all the kids go down around 8:30pm and I am fast asleep by 9:00pm so its really just all in what you want to do and give up to eat healthy and right because at the end of the day, I want to be around for my kids for a while and eating healthy and clean and not drinking or smoking or doing anything really unhealthy for your body might be cutting your time short with your kids on the back end we all got to go sometime but damn I want to make it last.

I'm with you..........

I don't get blaming a dad body or gaining weight on marriage, kids, or work. You can have all of that & still maintain a reasonable condition. Just make the proper lifestyle changes & incorporate it into your life & family. There are lots of low impact, family friendly activities. Cycling, swimming, walking, to name a few. If you cut out the junk food, alcohol, leave the car at home sometimes, it's not that difficult. It took injury, retirement from playing at 48 & major surgery at 54 before I got seriously out of shape for the 1st time in my life. Even then, I only gained about 20 lbs.

I started playing again (60+) this year & had less than 2 weeks prep before the season. Believe me, I paid for it!!!! I'm back to cycling & strength training as well as rehabbing the nicks & injuries I sustained this season> Hopefully I'll be gtg for the next..........
wow, all of these posting by "Old" guys..??? hhmmm let me see.. I am 62, maybe I am an oldster who can pass on a few tips.
First I am 6 ft 3, and 225. SEMI in shape... or should I say the shape of a semi?? anyways, I quit comparing myself to others or my younger self years ago. I have had 14 major surgeries, a quadruple by pass after jogging... etc Well, I tell you something. Workout. eat right but MENTAL state of mind is best thing for you. Take time to relax! Take time to read. Take time to play! Stay away from negative people.
I get a rush now after hitting a bomb and listening to some young child say: mommy, grandpa hits the ball harder than daddy! Now that's a rush! Especially when it is your own grandson at a game of yours!!! If it is someone else's child? all the better.
Another rush? Use some negative nancy's bat to hit one out after they accuse you of having a souped up bat. Hit it with theirs. let them hit yours.. and laugh!


Rocky Mountain Oyster aka DirtDog
Showing up your son in front of his son is gtg? I mean, I can see it happening, but getting a rush out of it?


Rocky Mountain Oyster aka DirtDog
Rush's Moving Pictures used to give me a rush. 2112 too.
That's how old I am.