Remind me please. And I agree about the vaccine, maybe because we have more info (too much info) than we ever have and so many theories running around. I’m a good sheep and follow the rules but I can’t let that Fauci **** go
Ha! People either love Fauci or hate him.
When those original statements were made, there were several factors at play. First, those statements were made Mach 8th, when the virus was in its infancy here in the US and just starting to see the virus circulate. Second, PPE (masks, gloves, etc...) were in short supply and he was trying to prevent a shortage. Masks in particular were in short supply and the people that needed them the most (doctors, nurses, first responders) couldn't get them. Lastly, he was saying there could be unintended consequences of people who aren't used to wearing masks. People like to touch their face, fiddle with the mask, and not wear it properly. I still see people only covering their mouths... If you aren't used to wearing a mask, you could inadvertently infect yourself by rubbing your nose.
Remember he reversed that statement April 3rd, when more data was available and the pandemic was circulating much faster.
But all people hear is that we shouldn't wear masks no matter how bad the pandemic gets. Or I don't care about others, I only care about myself. Or our government is taking away our freedoms.
I will say this again and again...this virus isn't political, it is not racist, it doesn't know gender. Politics has no place in this scenario. Take politics out of the situation and look at the data for what it is, a public health situation. The only thing this virus is here on this earth to do is to replicate. And to do that it needs a host. Right now, humans are the host. There will come a time where humans won't be the host, but who knows how long that will take. The first coronavirus outbreak (SARS-CoV-1), the virus just disappeared from the human population after 1.5 years. It is still circulating around in animals and the general consensus is that it will comeback around at some point in the future.