^^^ They are closed today. I won't go out of my way to defend them as Carl does run his business in a way that rubs people the wrong way. But, alot of what you're hearing here and some of the other sites is either not true or things that are being exaggerated so you should take that stuff with a grain of salt. The big stink lately is that Carl kicked all other vendors off of his facebook page and banned anyone questioning his decision. In turn, they followed suit and disallowed Monsta sales on their facebook sites. Do I agree with his decision or the way he handled the aftermath? No. But it's not my company so I'm not going to throw a fit and stomp my feet about it. Bottom line is some people are more patient than others. Impatient people should probably steer clear of Monsta. Carl's estimated dates are what gets him into the most trouble in my opinion. People hear "we should be able to get the bats out by xx/xx/xx" on his facebook page and really get pissed when that doesn't happen. If you're that guy, I wouldn't even consider getting one. If you do decide to order one, take the estimated ship dates as a general idea. For a more realistic date, add 30-45 days to whatever is shown on the website. The LC bats themselves are as good or even slightly better than any the top tier ASA bats right now.