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Well-Known Member
I often remove crap with no pictures or papers. Get some hate mail for it, but whatever.

Posted before my time and wouldn't have known how to handle this tbh. Has done this a few times in the past, I'd have assumed it's cool to leave it there, he's "helping".

pretty simple. no pics, no thread

johnny fitz

Addicted to Softballfans
Money was refunded today.

thank you to all -especially tony and cincy- for all of the help. Numerous people (about 10 guys) reached out to me and I appreciate it.

the guys at pauer sports helped make this right also and reached out to me letting me know they would be helping.

tony has already made a ngtg thread.

as of today I am whole - just don’t have my wife’s Xmas gift yet. Made me look bad to her but other than that just out time now so thanks again to everyone


I sent a pm to the moderator of the page and warned him. He deleted the post immediately. Lol I should’ve just posted on it like I did last time. Haha