Official 2019 Last AB Thread


Well-Known Member
Spring can't get here soon enough. Michigan has had about the worst bipolar winter I can remember. Gonna need a double dose of Xanax to get back on track. That lying groundhog anyway..


Well-Known Member
I almost got beat up by my own team when I hit my first one. I was 160 lbs then and was batting lead off. We were in a tourney where whoever hit the first HR of game became the unlimited HR guy. Never had so many 6'4" 250 lbs guys mad at me in my life.


Well-Known Member
3 more weeks until spring league opens and we have freshly turfed infields. Should be an interesting adventure considering we are use to playing on gravel infields :D


Active Member
3 more weeks until spring league opens and we have freshly turfed infields. Should be an interesting adventure considering we are use to playing on gravel infields :D
I love the turf infield. It is a bit more bouncy, but the ball will bounce straight and true at least. Does definitely take a little getting used to though.

MaStEr IrOc

Active Member
Since we finally had our first game, rained out for a month here in San Diego.

Weak popup to the infield to end the game. Haven't played in 4 months so everything was rusty
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Well-Known Member
Drilled liner to RC. No idea how the dude ran it down, but he did.
I do it all the time. Love playing 9 and 10, being old and letting the kids play left and center. Everyone thinks the right is open. Then again I’m not that old.