Official Last Bat 2022


Well - another season is in the books
Crapping the bed in the ship never feels good the next day - I find you never remember the great hits in a game as much as those blown opportunities.

Last AB of the night, 2 out with 2 on; trailing by 3runs:
Instead of driving the ball into CF, I got under the ball and floated a sky-high ball to the warning track.

Final inning and you know we went 3-up, 3-down on 5 pitches - go figure...

Looking forward to sub 50* winterball with the SCN3 and F98


Whoooo - I don't ever think I've hit so poorly in quite some time...
I made base each AB, but definitely not how I drew it up

Last AB for the year was a slow roller into 5.5 - SS was playing me deep and he sat on it, allowing the ball to take that final bounce which sat and ended up rolling under his glove