When do you know your done with the game


Been thinking for a few months about hanging them up. I still love the game just don't feel the need to be at a ball park every Saturday and Sunday. I'm 31 and have a 10 yr old daughter. I just feel there is more to life then softball and now starting to get back into hunting and fishing. My daughter is starting to get into it as well. I would say that I am a good ball player not great. I have played "D" or "silver" the past few years and it just isn't fun. I have played some upper tournment sad well to see if that would be more fun playing with better players and still don't feel the need to be out there. My swing has changed my average has declined. Did I lose something?

Dakota Deerwood

Addicted to Softballfans
Been thinking for a few months about hanging them up. I still love the game just don't feel the need to be at a ball park every Saturday and Sunday. I'm 31 and have a 10 yr old daughter. I just feel there is more to life then softball and now starting to get back into hunting and fishing. My daughter is starting to get into it as well. I would say that I am a good ball player not great. I have played "D" or "silver" the past few years and it just isn't fun. I have played some upper tournment sad well to see if that would be more fun playing with better players and still don't feel the need to be out there. My swing has changed my average has declined. Did I lose something?

Not having fun?? no reason to be out there.


The Wiley Veteran
not having fun, then hang it up for a couple years. maybe you'll wanna go back or maybe have more fun hunting or fishing


Sounds like you're burnt out. Just take a break and keep your gear.

this..im 26 now and have a little one on the way, the appeal of every weekend has been lost but i still go out there for the bigger tournaments at least once a month keeps me a little more excited than the week in week out tournaments


Addicted to Softballfans
Minimize your commitment. Play a local backyard boogie schedule if possible. I walked Away after close to 30 years of travel ball a few years back.

Missed countless birthdays, parties, weddings, etc.... I'll never get those back. I was a little selfish when I had the sickness...

Eligible for 50s this next season and I may or may not try to get back in the circuit. I really enjoy my weekends now instead of hour to two hour drives on Saturdays then 12 hours at the field and being sore for two days ahhahahahahaha


Into Semi-Retirement Still activebut not League
When it is chore to be at a game and you just go through the motions. I think I have it that this year. Physically I can still play the game and pitch and hit against the younger players. I love the BP sessions I have on off days and work hard to keep in shape. But when the games starts I lose all interest in playing and wondering why I am there.

Still enjoy playing in tournaments though with an out of state teams.


Rocky Mountain Oyster aka DirtDog
Just play a night or 2 or league and a here and there tourney. Less pressure and time you want to spend with your daughter on weekends is there.

Or just quit entirely. There are many shades of gray. Pick one.


Wanna buy jerseys/rings?
Just play a night or 2 or league and a here and there tourney. Less pressure and time you want to spend with your daughter on weekends is there.

Or just quit entirely. There are many shades of gray. Pick one.

This right here is what I would try. Back off on the commitment and leave your weekends open for your daughter. You still get to play ball a few times a week since you still love the game, but don't have the time commitment that comes with traveling and tournament ball. Just a suggestion. If it's still not fun playing, it might be time to take a break altogether for a while.


Addicted to Softballfans
When I was younger I thought I would play forever and put a lot of time and money into playing. When I turned 40 my team folded and I had disc surgery on my back. After a year went by and another I realized I didn't miss it. I still follow the boards and upper teams but never felt that urge to find another team. Six years later my brother got into a coed league and I got a bit of the itch again and might play some spring ball next year. If your body doesn't tell you your brain will.


Addicted to Softballfans
It's hard to know for sure when you're fully done with it, but you'll always know where to prioritize it in your life when more serious stuff comes up with family, injuries, work etc.

I went from the 100+ game, 3-4 league, weekend schedule for nearly a decade down to 1 league and no tournies this year because of a two year old foot/ankle injury that never wanted to heal. Haven't really played with healthy legs for 2 years with this injury +2 more with knee and calf injuries before that and I didn't mind playing through the pain and lack of mobility for years but eventually it drains on you mentally as much as physically and it really isn't as fun anymore because of it.

Getting my foot and ankle scoped Friday, hopefully there's finally a resolution but at 33 I'm not so sure I'm gonna want to go running back on the field again if it does heal up and **** my legs up worse than they already are. I say just do what's best for your health, family and sanity. Softball's great but it isn't life as much as we make it to be, and if you step away and change your mind you can always come back.


Rec Coed Superstar
All BS aside if you don't love it stop playing, if you aren't excited to play stay home and spend time with your kid. I am in a similar position as you, I still love the game, but after talking it over with my wife I decided this was my last year of playing weekends consistently and traveling to play. I have a 2 year old son and we are trying for baby number 2. I still love the game and can still play well enough to a relatively high level where even at 37 I am getting asked to play. The thing is for me I don't love it enough that its worth not being home with my family. So many tournies are 90 min away and take all day that I'm typically gone all day Saturday. Then if we do well and I am gone for 14 hours, I'm beat on Sunday. Family >>> softball. I may still play but it won't be a full schedule and it will most likely be more fun small tournies and instead of 3 or 4 times a month it will be once a month.


Addicted to Softballfans
wow only 31 yrs old ?

sounds like you need to take a break. find a better group of guys to play with. Stop playing in tourneys and play a night or 2 of league only


Active Member
Just play a night or 2 or league and a here and there tourney. Less pressure and time you want to spend with your daughter on weekends is there.

Or just quit entirely. There are many shades of gray. Pick one.

i agree with this. Take a break too.

Pete D

Addicted to Softballfans
First - if playing now you need to honor the commitments to your team(s)......then - take your time off - hunt & fish but continue to take a good BP with quality people one or two times a week to keep you tuned in to the vibe......BP can be a lot more fun than games if you play a lot <> if you don't get the urge after a while back off completely......maybe later on you'll get the itch again.....keep your gear.....

zuke 37

Star Player
come this spring: mozzy on down to some of the practices, if you get an ichin' to lay sign up
don't bur that bridge when you get to it.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
i wouldnt give up ALL my weekends in the summer either. we play one night a week league and only like 1 tourney a month. if i was on a team that played all weekends, i'd find a new team. because yes, there is more to life than just softball. life is all about a good balance.


Why do you have to quit? Why can't you manage your time so you can do some of both? There is no "softball law" that says you need to be at the park every weekend or 4 nights a week during the week. Play some league, the odd tourney here and there and do some hunting and fishing too.....You don't need to be all in, for one or the other. Find a team that allows you do both and do them. If you quit, you may regret it and the years we lose, we don't get back.


Addicted to Softballfans
When your next game or games get rained out and your cursing about it, keep playing. If your happy about the rainout it's time to take a break and check back next year.
And also what swingnmiss just said.


Addicted to Softballfans
some thoughts on this situation,please.i had a very good c team 2 yrs ago c is all but dead in the 3 states we played in,so i took some young E players that wanted a chance to play up and made a D team with a few vets mixed in.i put up 10,000 a year for my teams all they have to do is get the the tournemnt everything is paid for..that being said there is no D/silver no closer than 1hr/half away,have struggled to 10 to the park every weekend.all that is left in our area is E/bronze you can play every weekend and drive no more than 45 min to the fartherest away to play.but have no desire to do E how do you get people to want to play the better comp. or is it time to hang up the sponcering/coaching.and as that goes doubt will be allowed to do a E team for a while .just getting harder and harder to find the players.


Addicted to Softballfans
Been thinking for a few months about hanging them up. I still love the game just don't feel the need to be at a ball park every Saturday and Sunday. I'm 31 and have a 10 yr old daughter. I just feel there is more to life then softball and now starting to get back into hunting and fishing. My daughter is starting to get into it as well. I would say that I am a good ball player not great. I have played "D" or "silver" the past few years and it just isn't fun. I have played some upper tournment sad well to see if that would be more fun playing with better players and still don't feel the need to be out there. My swing has changed my average has declined. Did I lose something?

Its time when you start to think if its time. Take this quality time now to spend with your daughter. Your still young and softball will be there later. Like others have said pick up a game when you can or find a league team to play on. I had to do the same thing when mine were little but played league ball. Now my daughters play coed with me.


Addicted to Softballfans
Softball is like a good piece of ass... You may want to leave it; but somehow you keep going back!