Macenko Weighted Bat Drill


Addicted to Softballfans
I've been doing it for 3 weeks now and I have noticed a big difference, seems like I'm alot quicker to the ball now. (sometimes to quick) Kind of thinking I may have to go up in bat weight.


Quick question...what happens or what should I do if I miss a week? I just finished week 11, but last week I missed my two swing workouts because I was in Nashville for a work conference. There was really no time or even place for me to do my swings. Is all lost now, or am I still okay? Extend the drill by a week or what?



I did this work out last winter and it increased my bat speed to the point that my timing was really eff'd at the beginning of this season. Had to take a lot of BP as I found that when I would typically swing my hands were coming through so much faster that I was hitting too low on the ball and popping up. Started to hit square again and I'd say it added a solid 20 feet of distance. Also, I didn't even do it for the full 12 weeks so I'll be tackling this again this winter. I'd recommend it but make sure you take plenty of BP to get used to your faster bat speed, otherwise you may feel discouraged that you aren't hitting the ball square or getting that nice back spin that you used to be able to hit so consistently.


I did this work out last winter and it increased my bat speed to the point that my timing was really eff'd at the beginning of this season. Had to take a lot of BP as I found that when I would typically swing my hands were coming through so much faster that I was hitting too low on the ball and popping up. Started to hit square again and I'd say it added a solid 20 feet of distance. Also, I didn't even do it for the full 12 weeks so I'll be tackling this again this winter. I'd recommend it but make sure you take plenty of BP to get used to your faster bat speed, otherwise you may feel discouraged that you aren't hitting the ball square or getting that nice back spin that you used to be able to hit so consistently.

I think it did this with me, too. I hit like crap for the first 3/4 of the season. It wasn't until I went out with my tee and worked on my mechanics and my timing that I finally started hitting the ball more squarely again. I will do the Macenko drill again next spring, but this time I'll make sure to get more BP and tee work than I did last year.


Addicted to Softballfans
Started these drills a couple weeks ago, just did my 6th session today. I'll do them as a warm-up before I hit the gym, doesn't take very long but it's a nice little sweat breaker. My bats are pretty much dead on 38 oz, 20 oz and I'm swinging my 27.5 blackout for gamer. The first 4 sessions took some getting used to, but the last two I can already feel some pretty sick bat speed by the gamer round. I'm also swinging both the light bat and heavy bat harder and with more purpose (I think the weight training has something to do with that too).

I'm expecting a 30 oz. SP12ST100 in the mail this week and I'd like to be pretty handy with it by April. I also don't want to discard swinging my two 27.5's either. Should I swap in the 30 oz for my gamer swings with the drills....go back and forth, pick one or the other....any ideas on this?


Extra Hitter
This seems like it could be a disaster to an already good swing with decent power. I can see trying this in the off-season leading up to your bp sessions, but if you are training heavy in the gym and already have a decent swing with good power I am not sure I would do this unless you really really are struggling with power. There are a lot of other things you can do to increase overall strength, therefore increasing batspeed. I'd rather take a lesson or two from a professional hitter and work on actual mechanics of my swing.


Addicted to Softballfans
Started these drills a couple weeks ago, just did my 6th session today. I'll do them as a warm-up before I hit the gym, doesn't take very long but it's a nice little sweat breaker. My bats are pretty much dead on 38 oz, 20 oz and I'm swinging my 27.5 blackout for gamer. The first 4 sessions took some getting used to, but the last two I can already feel some pretty sick bat speed by the gamer round. I'm also swinging both the light bat and heavy bat harder and with more purpose (I think the weight training has something to do with that too).

I'm expecting a 30 oz. SP12ST100 in the mail this week and I'd like to be pretty handy with it by April. I also don't want to discard swinging my two 27.5's either. Should I swap in the 30 oz for my gamer swings with the drills....go back and forth, pick one or the other....any ideas on this?

thanks for the suggestions :rolleyes::rolleyes:

swung the 30 today, but being that much of the added weight is in the handle, it didn't feel much heavier than the 27.5's. Probably going to mix it up and do some of both. Week 4 and the program plus the weight training/hybrid iso dynamic workouts are going good. Also down from 212 7 weeks ago to 201.4 today. The diet has helped a ton too.
I swing a 30oz Cyclone, adding a 20oz weight. So 50oz, then my daughters 23oz Jenny Finch. I have been going strong for a week and half in the cages( x3), I love this exercise and hope it really pans out. After All, I am spending bout $9 bux a week on it. :p


Addicted to Softballfans
Didn't do the program all the way through, the flu and snowstorms got in the way but I continued with it when I could.

As a means of increasing bat speed, I certainly noticed a difference with dry swings....yet this coincided with a lot of strength training so it was hard to separate one from the other.

Unfortunately, I had no practical way to test any gains on the field.....soooo.....I'd be open to trying it again maybe next year, or a short program during some break in the summer/fall to see if it has any tangible effect.

For now, inconclusive.


Part Time Player
I do this in my basement off a tee hiting balls into a backstop. Anyone see a problem using this method? I've done it the other way before but this just feels better to me.


Officer Friendly
Overlap with meckeno?

Can you do this drill with the overlap grip?....or should you? I am going to start the drill, but not sure if using an overlap grip while doing it is a good idea. Anyone try this?
I'm not an expert by any strech . But I'm saying grip just like u always do ! !
I havnt done this drill on a scedule or set plan .. Just here and there when I'm bored I move my little weight bench out of the way & dry swing .. Last winter/ spring I did it fairly consistsant for couple weeks leading into ball playing and think it helped me get off to a stronger start .. I injured my back around New Years and so was kinda layed up this year and I my Early BP sessions seem to show it :(


Addicted to Softballfans
I've been doing this drill for about 6 weeks. I do it in front of a bat speed radar and when I started I was swing at 71mph. Now in week 6 I'm up to 80mph. That's doing it 3 times per week. I've been tweaking my swing to see what gets me the fastest swing speed. The radar is a great tool to use with this. In a week I will start doing the drill off a tee. I will post back with more results in a couple of weeks.


Starting Player
Thanks for sharing this exercise, I just started this yesterday with a 24oz "Powr Wrap" on my 28oz Salvo (=52oz), a what I think is a 20oz little league bat I had in my backyard and my J3!


Starting Player
Here's a pic of what I'm using.
28oz Salvo + 24oz pwr wrap
15oz? Bat
27oz J3A

Will Forester

Starting Player
This worked for me

I just started this program 2 weeks ago, and already added 30-35 feet to my hits. Can't wait to see what happens after 12!


Canadian Bat *****
Anyone have an updated link to this drill? I never looked through the whole thread so forgive me I checked the first page and the last.

Thx MB


The Rookie
As far as this work out goes, has anyone done it right & left handed ? If so how did you do your reps full work out right then switched or 5 right 5 left for a set ? I just don't want to strain or cause some other injuries.


Addicted to Softballfans
I've always done both left and right handed, but I'm a switch hitter and with the heavy bat you can feel it working your core so I would think it's best to do both for balance.


Hey there, so I am really interested in this workout thanks for the post. Just wondering has anyone got other workout's or drills to help with pop? I only took up the game 2 years ago and it kills me that I cant hit it over the 300ft fence. We dont have fences where i play in Europe but every time i am in the states I just want to hit one over. My power seems to all be to right field and center even though I swing right handed. I am thinking of converting to switch hitting I havent much problem making contact with base hits but I want to add length. Any help would be much appreciated.